The Squad emerges

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The helicopter took off with the Suicide Squad inside of it, a half-hour flight ahead of them. They were all strapped in with an over-the-chest seat belt, Killer Croc having an extension for his large build. 

Harley was starting to become restless in her seat, swaying side to side, nudging Enchantress in the shoulder. 

"Cut it out Harl!" Enchantress whined, moving closer to Slipknot who was sitting beside her. She looked at him and smiled, but he just looked out at the cloudy view. 

"Harley! What's our situation with The Joker?" Deadshot shouted over the noise of the engine. 

"He's comin'! He's just taking his own ride!" she shouted back, her ruby smile leaving him smirking. 

"Great. Just if he tries to mess things up, let him know I will crush him and you can't get in the way."

Harley slumped down in her seat and sadly looked out at the clouds. "Yes sir" she mumbled under her breath. As they neared New York City, Deadshot unclipped his harness and began steadily making his way to the open door. The rest of the team followed slowly. Deadshot looked back at them and motioned to the packs hanging from the wall. Katana, who was at the back of the group, took them off the wall and passed them along. Everyone strapped them on while still cautiously hanging onto the support rails. 

"Everyone, one at a time, jump" he shouted, pointing to the harbor below. He counted down from three and jumped out of the helicopter, his arms and legs out. No one did anything until Harley pushed her way through and flipped out of the helicopter squealing in excitement. One by one, everyone else jumped out; Katana, Enchantress, El Diablo, Killer Croc, Boomerang and Slipknot. As they both came to close proximity with the water, they all pulled their parachutes and landed softly.  Everyone but Deadshot and Killer Croc complained about the freezing water.

"Well what do we do now?" Boomerang yelled to Deadshot, wading in the water. 

"I've got someone coming out in a boat to collect us, we might be stranded here for a while" he replied, gathering his parachute. 

"Aww come on! My makeup's runnin'!" Harley wailed, splashing her fists around. Her mascara ran down her face and her lipstick was smudged. Everyone looked at her, and rolled their eyes. 

"When we get onto the boat we have our packs, you can re-pretty yourself in there," Deadshot said, Harley's face lit up. "We also have our weaponry, ammunition and earplugs, lots and lots of earplugs. Everyone is required to take at least two pairs in case one goes missing." Suddenly, Enchantress screamed out, dramatically splashing at whatever grabbed her. Killer Croc came above the water, deeply cackling. 

"Ha ha, gets them everytime" he chuckled. Enchantress glared at him while he smirked at her. Harley burst out laughing, lightly splashing water around. The sound of an engine killed the silent waves. The team swam around to the noise, a fishing boat emerged from a distance. The team swam in closer together as the boat slowed to a stop. The boat's engined shut off, the door of the main cabin swinging open. Two-Face emerged from the cabin, smirking. "Lawton" he said, coming to the side of the boat and offering a hand. 

"Harvey, glad you could make it, this is the team" Deadshot said, swimming up to reach his hand. The  boat tilted left as Two-Face pulled him out of the ocean. His clothing was saturated and left a large puddle of water on the boat. 

"Hey Two-Face! Rememba' me?" Harley called, waving in his direction. 

"Harley... How could I forget?" he replied sarcastically, reaching down to grab Slipknot's hand. She smiled for a moment, then realised he was being sarcastic and frowned. Deadshot came to the edge of the boat and started helping everyone else onto the boat. 

"It smells like fish, couldn't we have gotten a different boat?" Enchantress complained, holding her nose as she wondered onto the boat.

"Hey, it's better than nothin' love! It's just fresh!" Boomerang said, hauling himself onto the boat with the help of Deadshot. "Thanks mate" he said, patting him on the back. Killer Croc was the last to be pulled onto the boat, so the two men together pulled him. The boat wobbled and creaked as he came onto deck. 

"Alright guys! Gather!" Two Face said, holding out his arms and motioning his hands. The team moved in, shivering and hugging their arms. "This boat will go to a shipping dock, 2 hours from here. That should be enough time to organise yourselves and jump off. Any questions?"

"Where's our crap?" Katana asked, investigating the edges of the boat. 

"Bags are in the cabin" he replied, pointing towards the cabin. The group walked quickly towards the door, pushing and shoving to get to their bags. "You've got to be kidding me." Harley was the first to come out of the crowd with her bag, baseball bat, hand gun and holsters. 

"Woo hoo! First!" she squealed, throwing her hands to the air. Enchantress then emerged, then Boomerang, Killer Croc, El Diablo, Deadshot, Katana and Slipknot.  The guys went to one side of the boat and the girls went to the other to get changed. In each of the bags was their clothes, a towel and a small supply of food. Their weaponry was in a large bag at the bottom of the pile. El Diablo went straight from the towel to dry off. 

"Does that... Hurt?" Slip Knot asked, noticing his grimacing face. He looked up slowly and held his expression. Slip Knot looked away quickly, feeling threatened. El Diablo finished drying off and activated his flame, the guys huddling for warmth. 

"Hey! That's not fair!" Harley called out, seeing the flame. Enchantress and Katana looked at each other and just went on drying off. Harley turned back to look at the two, smiling. "So, you guys, you got yourself a puddin'?" They looked down, then to eachother, then went on getting their clothes on.

"No? Alright then!" Harley answered, pulling over her red and white blocked tee. She dried off her legs and slipped on her underwear, tights and shorts. She grabbed her towel and dried off her hair, then pulled it back into her classic two pig tails. 

As they arrived at the dock, everyone had their weapons and was ready to jump off the boat.

"Good luck guys, knock 'em dead!" Two-Face said, shutting off the engine again.

"Well that's the idea" Deadshot said, smirking.  Everyone shuffled to the edge of the boat and murmured 'thankyou' as they passed. Harley pounced on Two-Face and kissed him on the cheek, leaving a lipstick stain. 

"Thanks Harv! I'll be sure ta' leave Mistah J a good word for ya'!" she enthusiastically, wrapping her arms around him. He pushed her off slightly and she left the boat, grinning her devilish grin.

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