Chapter 4

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Olivia woke up the next morning refreshed. She was ready to take on the day. When she walked into school, she noticed a note on her locker. It was mysterious, so not Luke and Taylor's handwriting was memorable. She looked at the author of the note, but of course it just said "secret admirer". Taylor surprised Olivia by tapping Olivia's shoulder.

"Hey! What's the note?"

"What note?" Olivia tried to cover up the note she was holding.

"The one in your hands."

"I don't know."

"Give it to me and I'll decode it for you." Taylor said.

"Wait.." But it was  too late, Taylor had grabbed the note.

"Who's this from?"

"I don't know. It was on my locker when I got here. And I don't think it was Luke." Olivia sighed. "Does that make me a bad girlfriend?"

"What? Don't be silly. Just because you don't think it's from your boyfriend doesn't mean anything. Come on. Let's go to class."

After 2 hellish classes, Taylor nudged Olivia, then looked at a guy. It was ETHAN! HE was in our Chemistry class.

'How did they not notice him?' Olivia thought to herself. She decided to throw him a note, like they did in the movies. She would wait for Ms. Green to turn around then throw him the note. Olivia moment came, when Ms. Green was writing notes on the board. She ripped a corner from her notebook and wrote: Since when do you have chemistry 3rd period? She threw the note to him, but it missed his desk. It was close enough to his desk though that he notice it on the ground. He turned around when he picked up the note.

Olivia just smiled, before going back to copying Ms. Green's notes. A few minutes past and it looked like he was writing something. He tossed the paper back to her. It said: Since I knew you were in it. Olivia might've blushed, but just for a second. Ms. Green called on her.

"Olivia. Is something funny?"

"No. Sorry. But I do have a question."

"Yes, what is it?"

"Are you going to go over the notes you had us copy down?"

"Yes. Thanks for reminding me. Ok. First, let's go over the homework. Taylor, will you tell us how you got your answer to number 1?"

"Ya. So my answer was..."

Olivia tuned out the world and turned back to the note. Ethan was in there chemistry class because of her. She couldn't believe that. Luke was in their class because he was assigned chemistry 3rd period, but Ethan was a mystery. 'What other classes did he switch because of her?' she thought.

15 minutes later the bell rang. She and Taylor walked out, Luke not far behind. They made their way to their lunch spot. As soon as they sat down Ethan approached their table.

"Hey! Do you mind if I sit with you guys?"

"Sure." Aiden said.

"What's your name?" Grace questioned.

"I'm Ethan. And you are?"

"I'm Grace." Grace smiled at Ethan. Then pointed to Aiden. "That's Aiden, and those three over there are Luke, Olivia, and Taylor."

"Olivia? From the mall?"

'Crap he brought up the mall. Thanks Ethan, great impression.' Olivia smiled, then said, "Hi Ethan. It's great seeing you again."

"What happened at the mall?" Luke asked, intrigued.

"Nothing. I just ran into him and we met. Don't worry." Olivia smiled at Luke.

"We'll be talking about that later." Luke mumbled.

"So. Ethan. Do you play any sports?" Taylor smiled, as she changed the subject.

"Ya. I play lacrosse. Do you play any sports?" He questioned right back.

"Ya. I play soccer."

"Cool." He smiled.      

"Olivia does too." Taylor quickly added.

"Ya. Taylor and I have been playing since we were like 9 or 10." Olivia smiled, before adding another question to the conversation. "So Ethan, what classes do you have?"

"Well I'm in your chemistry class, and I think we have English or History together."

"Oh. Any other classes you're taking?"

"Well I have math and my elective is digital photography."

"Very cool." Grace piped in. "I'm taking digital photography too."

"Nice. What period?"

"5th period. You?"

"5th too. How come I haven't seen you before?"

"I don't know. I'm surprised I haven't noticed you either."

"Well. Taylor and I have to go get our books for our next class. We'll meet at the front gate after school. See ya'll later." Olivia smiled.

They walked to their lockers and then Taylor started questioning.

"What's wrong?"

"Ethan Brought up the mall incident and I totally didn't want him to."

"Why. It's not like anything happened. You bumped into him and talked. It not like you guys were making out."

"All of that is true, but Luke thinks something more happened. Maybe you were right."

"About what?"

"Not about what, about who."

"Oh. Liv, it's going to be fine, but if you do like someone else you need to be honest with Luke. You can't leave him in the dark without a flashlight."

"So metaphorically speaking I'm the flashlight?"

"You know what I mean, just tell him, and then add his picture to your collection."

"Tay. I love you! You know that, right?"

"I love you too. Now lets go back out th---"

*bling. bling.*  The bell rang and they had to go to class.

"To English." They said as they linked arms and walked to their English classroom.

1 hour later...

4th period was about to start, when Taylor and Olivia ran into Ethan.

"Hi." He smiled at them.

"Hey." Olivia said.

"So.. I was wondering, can we talk?"

"Now?" Olivia and Taylor questioned.

"No, but I just need to talk to Olivia."

"Oh." The girls said in unison.

Then Olivia, said, "Ok. Later. Possibly my house."

"Where?" Ethan asked confused.

"Let's meet at the front of the school. How did you get to school?"

"I drove. Ok. I'll give you my address when we meet up. See you later." Olivia said.

They walked to English only to realize this was the other class they had with Ethan, and Luke wasn't in their English class. 'This is going to be an interesting English class.' Olivia thought. AS they took their seats, Ethan chose the seat right in front of Olivia, with Taylor to Olivia's right.

Soon enough Ethan passed Olivia a note. All it said was: Hi. 'Very original Ethan.' Olivia thought as she wrote something back to him.

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