4 - "You Eighteen Right Lil Mama?"

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Narrator's POV

April 4th, 2016

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Cheers and claps erupted from the crowd that was gathered around the two friends who had smiles inscribed onto their faces as they both held onto the knife cutting into the cake in front of them. The numbers 20, and 18 in candles being previously blown out by the duo. 

Austin turned to look at Mia with a mischievous smile as he brought up a finger covered in frosting smearing the stickiness all over her nose making her squeal. 

"Austin!" Mia gasped, giggling afterwards as she brought out her tongue trying to lick the frosting off of her nose but failing. She reached for a napkin wiping it off as they both started to pose for some pictures. 

Their parents had rented out an entire club for their birthday night. All of their friends and families were gathered partying like no tomorrow. The gifts table was stacked with loads of birthday presents. There was a DJ at the far right of the club playing 'For Free' by Drake and DJ Khaled.

"Mia!" Austin called out grabbing her attention as she turned around to talk to him breaking out of her conversation with her little group of friends. He was smiling big with his arm wrapped around his girlfriend Jasmine who was giggling, peering up at Austin. Mia ignored the envious feeling she got when she eyed their smiles. . . she couldn't help but to fall in love with Austin throughout the years they both spent together. . .

"I got you something, Angel." Austin smiled letting go of Jasmine, grabbing onto Mia's hand as he led her to the small stage where security was posted up. The DJ started speaking into the microphone and then the curtain lifted and out walked Mia's favorite rapper, Drake.

Mia went still for a few moments before letting out a girlish squeal and jumping on top of Austin thanking him repeatedly as he laughed holding onto her.

"Can I get the birthday girl to come up here?" Drake simpered.

"That's me! Thats me!" Mia chanted jumping up and down as she raced towards the stage, security helping her up the steps. Drake stood there with his arms wide open as he started singing one of his hit songs hold on we're going home. Mia ran into his arms with an everlasting smile upon her face. The both danced around on stage until the song ended. Claps and cheers erupted from the crowd that was now gathered around the stage waiting for the next song. 

"You eighteen right lil mama?" Drake teased twirling Mia around as he gave her praising looks and bowed down to her. 

Mia shook her head yes, as Drake laughed. 

"Yall heard that right? She's 18 thank god, I ain't trynna loose my career." He joked. 

"Aight so your friend Austin told me you've been a fan of mine for a long time, what's your favorite song off of Nothing Was The Same?" 

"From Time, and then Marvin's Room from Take Care, fuck you're such a legend!" Mia cheesed as he raised his eyebrows looking at her and a small smirk formed on his face.

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