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It was the first day of high school. Cinder wore the best outfit she could find in her closet. Jeans and a T-shirt. She found a pair of gloves that weren't that filthy and quickly put them on to cover her metal parts. She didn't need to be teased all throughout high school because of them.

She quickly made her way downstairs and darted out the door before her stepmother could say anything. Once she was on the campus grounds she finally relaxed. She would make friends this year, she thought and headed for her first class.

On the way to class she started to make a mental note in her head. She had a lot of things to do. She had to get through school, she had to go to the mechanic shop, she had to...

Cinder was stopped in her thoughts and fell backwards. She quickly recover and found a face inches away from her.

"Oh my god, are you ok? I'm so sorry. Stars I'm clumsy. Ugh are you ok." He asked.

Cinder stared at the boy ramble. He was super cute. He had messy black hair and beautiful eyes.

"I'm fine," Cinder answered, cutting the boy from rambling even more.

The boy got up and held a hand out for Cinder, she took it and pulled herself up, gathering all of her stuff.

"I'm Kai." The boy said.

"Nice to meet you Kai," Cinder responded and headed her way to class before she did anything embarrassing.

She might start to like Kai, she thought and looked down and walked. That wasn't the the problem though.

The problem was her.

Who would like a cyborg?

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