Chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning in a cold sweat, breathing hard, with tried tears on my face. I took a few deep breaths and thought about the nightmares I had last night. They were of the day my parents were killed.


"Hey, Mommy?" I asked as we waited in line for the with-drawl counter at the bank.

"Yes, hun?" she asked.

"Whats that under that guys jacket?" I asked pointing to the guy infront of us.

She glanced at the guy but obviously didnt see what I was refering to. "Theres nothing there dear." she said.

I continued to look at the spot then took a step forward and tugged on his sleeve. He looked down at me with a weird look on his face.

"Sir, whats that under your jacket?" I asked. Suddenly he grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled me towards him, yanking the thing out of his jacket. A gun.

My mother screamed and reached for me. He yanked me furthur back by my hair and shot the gun upwards making everyone scream.

"GET ON THE FLOOR!!" he yelled. Everyone immediately did so. Everyone but my father.

"LET HER GO!!" he yelled and tried to aim a punch at the man. But the man only raised his gun and shot my father, right in the chest.

He fell to the floor, blood pooling around him. My mother screamed again and clutched his body then screamed at the man.

He shot her too, twice. Once in the shoulder and the second time in the head. I was forced to watch, crying, as she fell limp on my fathers body, more blood pooling, dead.

"MOMMY! DADDY!" I screamed. The man pointed his gun at me too and I screamed. He pulled the trigger but I wasnt hit. He was out of bullets.

"Dammit!" he yelled as there were sirens outside. He threw me down and ran out the back, leaving me there, bawling my eyes, out, and clutching to my dead parents.


I took a shaky breath and wiped my tears off my face. I got up and walked into the bathroom. I washed my face and then got dressed.

When I was ready I went downstairs and grabbed a bowl of cereal for breakfast. I ate it quickly and then looked at the clock. It was only 7:45.

I was about to sit down in the living room when there was a knock on the door. I answered it to see Joey standing there wearing:

His shirt showed off his muscles. Muscles I didnt know he had. He always looked so lean. But now you could see the muscles in his arms and chest with the shirt he was wearing. Then again he /was/ the Quarterback on the football team. Thats got to get you some muscle!

"Hey, Joey. What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Here to pick you up." he said with a smile.

I raised my eyebrows. "Um Ok?" I said, stepping outside, sinse I had my bag. I closed the door behind me.

"So, are there any movies that you're interested in right now?" he asked as we walked over to his truck.

"Um, well that new planet of the apes movie looks really good." I said as I climbed in.

"Alright, Planet of the Apes it is." he said as he pulled out.

"What?" I asked.

"We're skipping class. Gonna go see Planet of the Apes." he said with a crooked grin as he pulled onto the road and roared down the street.

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