Letter To My Newest Friend

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Dear Kippy,

Yes, I know your real name is Emily. Sorry, I can't get used to calling you anything other than Kippy!

Hard to believe you're my newest friend, huh? We've only known that we're evil clones for a couple of months! Seems like so much longer!

What was the first thing we realized we had in common? I think it was the fact that we're both homeschooled. And we're both Christians. We're both in seventh grade. Our favorite candies are both Kit-Kats and Twix. We both have laptops. We both have younger siblings. We both got rid of our Fuggs and got new Uggs during the Christmas season. Both of us have our Wattpad accounts set as our MOMS' accounts. We're both totally insane. We both talk funny when we're hyper. We both love Oreos. 

There's more, but I can't remember it right now!!! EXPLOSIVE FACE.

All that is necessary to say is YOU. ARE. AWESOME. If Al ever uses her hot glue gun on you, I will HEAL YOU WITH MY MAGICAL DICTIONARY!! And then we can have a GSR (great shower race).

Love ya, Californian girl with no local friends! ;)



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