Letter To Someone In A Different Country

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Dear Missionaries all over the world,

I admire each and every one of you! You obeyed God's call, and took yourself and your families to places that may not always be exactly comfortable. 

Even though you were probably afraid, and you might've even fought God's will for your life, you still obeyed, and now you are spreading the Gospel worldwide to people who are desperately in need of a Savior's love.

I know that you missionaries have to have a ton of faith. Without faith, there is not a sliver of possibility that you could go anywhere and serve. Because if we don't have faith in God, what CAN we have faith in?

Even in rough times in these countries, from India, to Wales, to Peru, God always provides you with what you need. Maybe what you need is not what you want. But I'm sure you've figured out that God knows best!

On behalf of churches all over the world, I would just like to say thank you! "Thank you" for taking up the cross and bringing it with you across this earth! God Bless!



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