Chapter 12: Chloe

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"Alexi is so pissed at Amberlynn," Emma tells me as she grabs some doritos out of her kitchen cupboard. I've always liked Emma's house. It has a cozy feeling to it. So when she asked me to come over this morning, I didn't hesitate. My mom let me off the hook, so I'm not grounded anymore and could hang out with Emma. Well, not technically. Mom doesn't like Amberlynn--since Mom thinks she's a bad influence on me, so in a way I'm not allowed to hang out with her for a while.

"What?" I say, taken back. The two seemed like they got along alright.

"Yeah," Emma says, as we make our way back to her room. "they got in a huge fight at Amberlynn's sleepover."

"What was the fight about?" I sit down on Emma's bed. She joins me at my side.

"Amberlynn was being super bossy, and Alexi didn't like it, so she tried to stick up for Maria and Stella-- since they both think Amberlynn's bossy themselves-- by finally letting Amberlynn know she's not the center of the universe," Emma explains as if she had seen the fight herself.

"Who told you that?" I ask, knowing that Maria and Stella are both Amberlynn's close friends, and I doubt they would think such things about Amberlynn.

"Alexi. That's exactly what she said happened." That explains it. Alexi must have twisted the story in some way. I doubt Stella and Maria would talk such trash about their friend. Then again, I don't know them, so how can I be sure?

"Why are you still friends with Alexi?" I blurt, and then immediately wish I could take it back. 

"What? Chloe, she's nice! Why not?" Emma says, looking like I have hurt her.

"Why not? Because she hurt Ava, me, and Amberlynn! She's hurting all of your friends, she's not nice!" I exclaim, and grab a dorrito from the bag.

"Amberlynn isn't my friend!" she argues back. This stops me for a second. "She shouldn't be your friend either! Alexi, Ava, and I were there when you got humiliated by Amberlynn! We were there with you through everything, and then you go befriend that jerk like nothing ever happened between you!" I am speechless by this. Emma is right, and I can't believe I'm saying this.

Emma is right. Why am I friends with Amberlynn?

"Because I can forgive and forget," I say aloud, and Emma stares at me, her brow furrowing.

"What?" She asks, confused.

"I am friends with Amberlynn because I can forgive and forget, which is more than you can say!"

Emma stares at me, a hurt look on her face.

"Why do you do that?" she asks softly, "just come over to my house and say crap like that!" I glare at her.

"You're the one insulting my friend!" I yell.

"Me insult your friend? You insulted Alexi first!" she exclaims, " I thought we'd always have something in common, Chloe, I thought we'd always hate Amberlynn!" 

"I guess you're wrong. Things have changed. I can finally see who is worth my time," I say. 

"So have I," she retorts, "which is why it's time for you to leave." 

"Why stay?" I snarl, "there's nothing here worth waiting for anymore." With that, I leave. I feel my eyes well up with tears, thinking about all the harsh words that were just exchanged. I wish I had never opened my mouth in the first place. 

This is all my fault.


I slam the door shut as I walk into my own house, and drop my coat drearily on the floor.

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