Please tell me everything will ok, i need to hear it

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I looked at the girl in the hospital bed. she was pale and lifeless, my buddy, my monster drinking ,crazy buddy looked so dead. all these tubes and wire keeping her here with us. its been a week with her like this and there is no signs. I rested my head in my hands sitting in the chair next to the bed and just cried. the whole band was like this, we were all so broken. Andy, he wouldn’t  watch her favorite episodes of Batman without her, Jinxx was just so quiet, more than normal. Jake didn’t want to eat much, he was losing more weight that he should be. Ashley was just never there, he was either here or somewhere he didn’t want to tell us. me, well I wasn’t as excited about life, I was losing my CCness. I was too calm or crying. I think the worst out of anyone was Jaime, he barely left her room. he was always sitting in the chair on the other side of the bed, he would barely talk unless he was alone, and that was only to her, trying to wake her up. all the guys, Tony, Vic, Mike, Austin, Ronnie, Dahvie and Jayy all just werent themselves. I think Dahvie and Jayy kept it together the most cause they were on tour right now and have seen her really. I just wanted Ray back, we all did.

Jaime POV

I looked up seeing Ray just pale and lifeless, listening to the beep on the heart monitor, the only thing tell me she was alive, that and the slight rise and fall of her chest. I just held her hand tight, wishing for her to wake up. I looked over at CC in the other chair. his head was on the bed and he was passed out. he was almost always here with me. I looked back up at my girl and wished I could just take her place, she was my world. I looked back to the black box in my hand eyeing the green emerald I was going to propose to her with. I twirled it in my hands feeling it and wishing I could put it on her. the nurse came in giver her more meds through her IV and I remebered this nurse. she was the one who normally took care of her.

"You must be the boyfriend right?" she asked. he looked up to her  and nodded.

"I have to say for anyone the ICU she has the more visitors, maybe you guys can wake her up, by the way that ring is amazing."

I looked up at her and she smiled, walking out of the room. I felt my eyes get heavy and I held her hand falling asleep on the side of the bed.

Ashley POV

"Why!?" I yelled, having the sound echo in the empty graveyard. I fell down on my knees in front of the two gravestones,

A Lovely Mother

A Caring Father

Why when I was hurting I was alone, every time I went to the hospital it made me more depressed, because I wanted Ray to be ok. she was like a sister to the whole band. I looked back up at the gravestones, with tears clouding my eyes. why did god think this was funny to take everyone I loved away from me.

"Its not fair! first my parents! now Ray! What did I do!?" I yelled breaking down again.

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