the Surprise

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I seemed to be running with no way out but soon I felt my whole body shaking and a familiar voice.

"Ray wake up were landing" it was Jinxx I opened my eyes seeing his face near mine. it was just a nightmare, I thought. I wish the nightmares would just go away so I could move on. I yawned and felt the plane stop and I followed Jinxx out of the plane.

"The guys should be around here." he said and I nodded my head looking for all the guys and I tell you, you couldn’t miss them. Andy was tall as fuck, Ash was wearing a cowboy Hat and CC was jumping up and down. he really needed to stop drinking so much monster. they must had saw us come off the plane cause right as we got my bags I was tackled and lifted off the ground by CC.

"Ray!" he yelled, to where almost everyone was staring at us. I squealed as he lifted me and spun me around.

"CC man put her down!"Jake Yelled. and CC did and one by one they all gave me hug. Jake was first.

"Hi Jake." I said as I hugged him back.

"how you hanging in there kiddo." he said suspiciously eying my bandage. since no one but Sammi and Jinxx knew the real reason why I was here, he didn’t know why.

"Day by day." I replied as I got a hug from Andy next. I barely reached his chest as I wrapped my arms around his skinny frame, you would think this man didn’t eat.

"Glad you have you around." he said as Ashley came next for his hug. I felt his stomach on my arms cause he was only wearing a vest, typical I swear he didn’t own shirts.

"Tokyo and Killer will be excited to see you." he said as he let go. I smiled and got an evil idea. I swung my bass on my back as Ashley and Jinxx grabbed my suitcases and I ran over to CC jumping on his back.

"Ahh! I'm being attacked" he yelled and I laughed, at least he caught me. and he gave me a piggyback ride out to the car. next to the car was Ashley motorcycle and Ashley glanced at me and I smiled at him. once we reached the car I jumped down from CC and put my Bass in the trunk.

"I'm gonna ride with Ash!" I yelled as Ash got on the bike starting it up. he nodded to me and I jumped on looking at Jinxx.

"Just be careful you two." he said and Ash smirked.

"Of course!" he smiled and took off. I loved feeling the wind in my hair as we flew through the streets of Cali going to Jinxx and Sammi's Cali home, where I would be spending my summer. I held tight onto Ash as we speed through the streets, I mean Ash never did the speed limit. we arrived at the house and saw Sammi's car out front. Ash shut the bike off and we both got off as the boys pulled up in Andy's Car. Jinxx was the first on out, he didn’t look happy though.

"Being carful means doing the speed limit Ashley!" he said through gritted teeth. we both smiled and as I grabbed my bass and we both bolted inside only to be stopped at the door by Sammi. her hair was long like mine but hers was blonde and black and her blue eyes staring down at me. she looked serious but that broke fast.

"Rayvin!" she said a smile breaking on her face as he hugged me. I hugged back, I really missed my sister, it had been a year since I had seen her. she moved away from the door so we could all get inside and I put my bass by the stairs and CC brought my bags to my room. Sammi grabbed my hand and lead me out to the porch telling the boys to wait a minute. I walked to the railing and I heard Sammi close the sliding door behind us.

"Ray how are you." she asked worry in her tone, I felt bad making her worried for me, she shouldn’t have to.

"I'm doing better." I stated in all honesty. 'I wish the nightmares would go away, I want it all to go away, I want these demons to leave me alone.' but I didn’t add all that.

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