parties are not all there cracked up to be

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A/N sorry it took so long to upload, i was having trouble finsing time to write with new drama arising in my life i hope you like this anyways. yes there is changes in POV.


I put the finishing touches on my eyeliner. I put the pencil down and was very happy with my outcome. I wore my favorite black skinnies and my green and black tank top. it was a zebra striped pattern and was see through in the back. and I paired this all with my black and green slime OSIRIS. someone knocked on the bathroom door for the third time in 10 minutes.

"I coming God calm down" I opened the door only to be face to face with Ashley.

"that's what she said" he quoted and pushed past me into the bathroom. I shook my head at his perverted childness. I sometimes I thought I was in a buss full of teenagers, aside from Jinxx, he was the most mature one here. I shook my head and Sammi came out from the back room that her and Jinxx shared. she was dressed in a red and black dress with black pumps. she looked amazing with her black and blonde hair curled.

"Sammi you look great!" I said and Sammi looked at me.

"So do you, Ray, but I swear we are not related." she said with a chuckle. just then we got interrupted by a knock on the door. Jake was the one closest to the door so he answered it. I saw Jamie's hairs and then heard his voice. I walked past the fridge seeing him and Jake talking.

"Hi Ray, wow you look amazing." Jamie said seeing Sammi and I walked into the 'living area' I blushed and was nudged my Sammi who notcied me blushing making me blush more. god this man was going to be the death of me.

"Are you ready?" he asked and I nodded my head. he looked to Sammi and she waved him off.

"We'll catch up with you Ash is still getting ready." she said and I followed Jamie out the door of the bus into to the night.

"So ill take it that your favorite colors are green and black?" he asked looking at me once again. the busses weren't too far apart but it took about 3 minutes to get to falling in reverse's bus.

"No actually I hate them." I said trying to keep my smile hidden. Jamie laughed witch in turn made me laugh as well, I just couldn’t keep my straight face, and I swear Jamie's laugh was just fucking contagious.

"Yes black and green are my favorite colors, always have been and always will be." I said to Jamie right as we got to the FIR bus. there were SWS, OMAM, PTV, Blessthefall, Bring me to the Horizon, FIR and New Years Day already there. I knew bring me to the horizon a bit, I mean I listen to them once and a while and I like Oli, I knew SWS, PTV, FIR and New Years Day, but Blessthefall, not so much. I saw Ronnie talking to some guy who was just wearing black skinnies and a black t-shirt and I think it was Matt from bring me to the horizon but I could be wrong. Ronnie saw Jamie and stopped talking to the guy and walked over to us. for some reason Jamie put his arm around my waist seeing Ronnie come over to us.

"Hey Jamie man what's up, got a date tonight?" Ronnie said giving Jamie and awkward hug cause he kept his arm around me.

"Actually she's Sammi's lil sister, they should be here soon Ashley was still getting ready." Ronnie nodded and glared at Jamie, like he had something against him. just then I think Kellin saved us because he bounded over to the three of us.

"Ray you made it!" he said and Jamie let go as I gave Kellin a hug but quickly replaced it.

"So have fun and come hang out later with Sammi if you want."Ronnie said shaking my hand and walking back over to the man he was talking to before. I looked up at Jamie and he was looking at Kellin, they seemed to be having a silent chat.

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