Merry Christmas, Twilight Characters!

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Jacob: Hark now hear the vampires die

Edward: Uh.....what?

Jacob: Just singing a Christmas carol

Edward: I don't think that's a Christmas carol

Bella: *walks in, dancing* I'm dancing in the dark!!!

Charlie: *walks in, hand in hand with Sue Clearwater* Dancing in the dark!!!

Sue: Uhh, no thanks, Charles. Remember, these conversations can take place at any time. So, I'm going to get Harry back! *runs out*

Charlie: *starts crying like Lindsey Lohan* Noooo!!! Noooo!!!!

Jacob: *to Charlie* Nice to meet you, Bella. Now I see where she gets her screaming skills from.

Bella: Oh no you didn't!!!!!

Edward: Well, on a brighter note, what did you guys get for Christmas?

Charlie: I got a zebra pillow pet! *starts doing a happy dance* 

Jacob: Mhmmmm girrrl! That's awesome!

Bella: Uh, hello? Pay attention to ME. I got...uhmmm...well, clothes from Alice and like 5 cars from Edward and everything I asked for and I became a vampire and......*starts crying like Lindsey Lohan* I didn't want any of it! I hate you all!

Charlie: *girlie teen voice* Omigod, Jacob, guess what I dreamed about last night?

Jacob: *rough and tough voice* I don't know, Jacob, what?

Charlie: I dreamed I got a papercut and vampires attacked me!

Bella: Uhh......

Edward: Uhh.....

Jacob: Uhhh............I had that dream too!

Bella and Edward: Uhhh........

Edward: so, Christmas, huh? 

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