"Drink your Saliva"

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We walk up to his door and I am about was about to raise my hand to knock, when I hear him speak.

"Her location is correct, H.C is here... Are you sure she's the one we need? She doesn't look rich to me... Okay, if you say so... How am I going to win her over? with my good looks of course!" He chuckles.

"We should probably come back later." Nicks whispers, tugging on my sleeve.

"She's a feisty one though, you're right... ah, don't worry I have everything under control. I'll report back to you later...bye" I hear his phone snap shut and I take that as my cue to barge in.

"Hilary!" Nicks calls after me.

"Who were you talking to?" I ask, hands on my hips.

"That is none of your buisness." He raises a brow at me. "Why are you here anyway?"

"To bring you back these." I say raising the grapes into his line of sight.

"That is fine, I don't want them anymore."

"Who exactly is this rich, feisty girl that you need?" I ask. "Who is H.C?"

"Stop being nosey," He stands up from his desk and begins to usher us out of the door.

I eye him up suspiciously before finally letting Nick pull me out of the classroom, and with that Mr. Young slams the door shut.

"What was all that about?" Nick whispers as we speed walk away, back towards the canteen.

"I have no Idea." But I am going to make sure I find out, I don't know why, but that conversation just didn't sit right with me.


The last few lessons drag by slowly as I wait for the last bell of the school day to ring, but once it finally does, I am racing towards Mr. Young's classroom.

"It seems we have an eager beaver." he smiles. "And for once, you are on time."

Ignoring him, I walk over to the desk nearest him and sit on it. Perfect place for watching his every move.

"Sit on the chair, Miss Clarke."

"I am very comfortable where I am, thank you." I say swinging my legs.

"Desks weren't made to be sat on."

I roll my eyes and I jump off of it, pulling up a chair. Arguing with him was least of my concerns right now, I needed to know who he was talking about because I am pretty sure 'H.C' were my initials.

An idea pops into my head.

"I'm thirsty."

"Drink your saliva."

"No, I want water. Can you go get me some water?" I ask politely.

He raises his brow.

"Please?" I put my hands together and attempt to give him my best puppy dog face. It must have worked because he sighs and stands up.

"I'll be back," He looks at me sternly. "Don't go anywhere."

"Okay, just go get me some water." I say shooing him away and out of the door.

As soon as he leaves I close the door behind him and I run towards his desk. I begin to shuffle aimlessly throughout the mountainous piles of paperwork on his desk- pre-prepared assignments, pre-prepared pop quizzes, teacher notes. I then proceed to pull out and look through his drawers one-by-one. I pause when my eyes land on an unusual brown file - 'Unusual' because it was the only file there and the only one with my bloody name on it!

"Hey, sir." I hear a girl purr from the other side of the door.

My mind goes black for a few seconds but I soon quickly compose myself and slam the drawer close, just in time, as I hear the door squeak open.

"I have your water." He announces, waltzing in. He pauses when he sees me at his desk. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing, I was just trying to-" I walk over and grab the cup of water from his hands and chug the water down, "-checking for my grades from last year." I finish off, wiping my mouth with the back of my sleeve.

"Didn't they tell you them last year?"

"Yeah, but I've forgotten." I walk back to my own chair and sit down. "How long is this detention for?"

"You've only just gotten here, you have another 50 minutes to go."

"An hour's detention?!"

He chuckles, "Don't steal my grapes next time,"

I keep my mouth shut for a moment, because I know if I open it, the next few words will be a question and not the usual snarky comment - but my curiosity gets the better of me and I ask, "Who were you talking to on the phone?"


"When I walked in on you during lunch time, you were talking to someone on the phone." I elaborate.

"A friend."

"Who is H.C?"


"H.C." I repeat. "I heard you say it, and I'm pretty sure those are my initials."

He stares at me blankly, for what seemed like forever. "Maybe we should end this detention a little early this time, i'll see you next lesson."

"Answer my question." I demand, standing up.

"H.C is... none of your business, Miss Clarke."

"I'll make it my-"

"Hilary. Don't." He demands.

I reach to pick up my bag and walk towards the door, "Fine. But I'll find out. I always find things out."

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