Don't have it in me

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Hey guys :D

The song of this chap it 'breathe again' by Sara bareilles. It's for Lux's P.O.V. not Damon's and the pic...well it just fits her P.O.V. too in two ways :P 

Okay so I wasn't going to start Damon's  P.O.V. at the dance I wanted it after but after seein your comments I thought 'what the heck' right? 

Vote, comm, Enjoy :D


Damon's P.O.V.

Damon, just finished my patrol shift  Jared told me through the mind link and I groaned, I had to listen to the patrol reports "patrol report I'll be right back" I told my beautiful mate

"If there's anything new you'll tell me right?" she said sternly and I smiled and nodded and left. God damn it she was so beautiful and dancing with her, having her so close seemed almost surreal. I saw Jared and headed towards him.

"We've found a few rogues along the lines of our territory but we can't attack because they aren't technically on our territory

That was what frustrated me most about rogues, they knew exactly what to do so the packs would be helpless well not this pack.

"Keep an eye open, their activity has increased lately and I want to know why" Jared nodded and left.

Alpha permission to speak with you I heard a faint, scared voice say through the mind link   alone

I turned around and saw Melissa standing there looking scared but determined. "I just wanted to congratulate you"

block out the rest of the pack alpha please she begged and I did now just go with me please

why? I asked suspiciously

It's about the rogues. I stiffened and she gave me a warning look when I stiffened please alpha its dangerous

"On what?" I asked playing along

"Finding your mate" she said with an obviously fake smile "We finally have a Luna huh?Lux is going to be a perfect alpha female"

Deny it she said Don't admit Lux is your mate 

I let out a growl, what the hell? Why would I deny her? I'd never do that I wanted Lux to be my mate, to be alpha female.

Never I growled at her and she winced

She's in danger alpha she said with a look of sorrow More than you can imagine 

What Danger? I said suddenly more alert than ever as I turned and saw Lux sitting with her friends Who would dare try and hurt her

Rogues Melissa answered She will get hurt if you don't do this

"What?" I asked confused as to why the rogues would set their sights on Lux, and then i understood why Melissa didn't want me to confirm that Lux was my mate.

let them try I snarled I'll protect her with my life they won't go near her

You think she'll let you protect her? Melissa thought I think you know Lux by now and even if you stay with her 24/7 they'd still get to her Damon. Do you really want to risk her life?

I glared at her but knew she was right, I was going to solve the rogue problem. I was going to make sure they would never pose a threat to my mate, ever. And when they're dealt with I was going to declare to both packs proudly that Lux is my mate, like it's supposed to be.

Mate Or Not. You're Still A Jerk (#1 Mate or Not)Where stories live. Discover now