The Fight

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I uploaded fast *pats head* couldn't keep my awesome readers waiting :D :P 

ANYWAY, the song for this chap is 'my last breath' by Evanescence.'ll see

So Comm, Vote, Enjoy :D


Lux's P.O.V.

I leaned against the wall and made myself stand up again. I looked at the hinges of the door and saw them a bit loose. Good, means it was working. I forced myself away from the door, ignoring the pain that was going through my body and threw myself at it again. it shook but remained still and I groaned.

Just a few more tries I told myself but before I could make an effort to get up again the door opened and Melissa came in. 

"Lux" she said as she knelt and undid the rope at my feet and hands "Put this on. you're pack is attacking you need to run"

She handed me a huge shirt and I immediately put it on, it was long so it reached my knees. I winced as it stuck to my back, I knew the whip marks would be a bit infected now, making the pain worse. I looked at Melissa and saw her avoiding my gaze

"you know I don't hate you right?" I said and she finally looked at me "I mean you could have told me and I would have helped but...I don't blame you"

"I'm sorry Lux I-" she said as tears filled her eyes "I just couldn't stand him getting hurt again they tortured him in front of me"

"It's okay" I said and got up "Now go get Vick and get as far away from here as possible okay?" She looked hesitant but I gave her a pointed look and she nodded "Okay Go"

She gave me a knife "Robinson has your gun, the one you gave me so be careful" and then she left. I took a deep breath and put the knife in the edge of my panties, against my skin. What?! it's not like I had anywhere else to put it. 

I got out and froze at the sight in front of me. Wolves were everywhere fighting and growling. Dead bodies scattered on the floor and I felt fear hit me as I looked at them, praying i wouldn't see anyone I know.

I sighed in relief when I didn't see anyone familiar among them. I heard a sound and immediately threw myself onto the ground as a wolf sailed above me, he landed in front of me and growled. I smirked, he probably thought I was an easy target considering how injured I was. he lunged at me and I was quick to dodge him, punching him in the face and sending him to the ground.

I grabbed him before he could get up again and snapped his neck, his body instantly going limp. I dropped him as he turned back to his dead human form and didn't look at him, I couldn't. I looked at the wolves fighting and finally found the person I wanted.

Robinson was away from the fight, hiding like the coward he was and I went towards him till I ended up behind him.

"Hiding out are we?" I said and he turned around shocked "Surprised I got out?"

"surprised you can stand" he said smirking "How's the back?"

"perfect actually" I lied as the mention of the wounds on my back made them ache more. "What did you expect?"

"I expected to kill you anyways" he said shrugging "Didn't expect it to be this soon though" he immediately had me pinned to the tree behind me and I smirked, ignoring the way my back burned, I felt my wounds start bleeding again.

before he could register I turned around and threw him onto the ground "Well that was a cheap shot" I said "and a huge fail"

He growled and lunged at me again but I dodged him in time to avoid as tried to pierce my chest with his claws. Damn he was fast.

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