A Little Push

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So the song is 'Give love a try' by Nick Jonas. Personally I'm no really into his songs and the jonas brothers (no offense to all the jonas brothers lovers) but I told my sis I wanted a song that describes Whitney situation and she told be bout this and I think it's good enough for it.

Hope you like it :D


Lux's P.O.V.

"Wow you sure had an interesting couple of days" Ren said after I told her what happened. We were in English class, it was the only class I didn't have any of my boys or Damon with me. "What are you going to do?" I knew she was referring to Damon

"Nothing" I said determinately "I made a commitment to Jason, we're together now. He's never hurt me and I won't ever hurt him. I don't trust Damon. He had the chance to accept me a long time ago but he still didn't and now he only wants me cause I've changed."

"How do you know that?" Ren asked and I shrugged

"They never tried to find me and even after I came back he told Jason he didn't have a mate"

Ren winced "I'm sorry Lux. Wanna hang out with me in the library at lunch?"

I shook my head "Naw I'm gonna sit with my boys. Why don't you com sit with us?" I asked 

"I can't, no one would cover for me in the library. No one wants to skip lunch but I did.There was a reason I took lunch hour for my shift. I didn't have anyone to sit with"

I smiled "Well now you have" she smiled and we heard the bell ring. We got out of class and said the library and I went to lunch.

"Hey beautiful" Jason said as I sat next to him. He immediately wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed me. I smiled when we pulled away

"D'aww aren't they cute" Cameron said and then nodded to himself"Definitely going to be godfather"

"Godfather?" Chase asked and I just rolled my eyes.

Cameron nodded his head excitedly "Say hello to my little friend" he said pointing his fingers as a gun at chase.

Shane hit him in the back of the head "Wrong movie moron" Cameron frowned and rubbed the back of his head "Besides I'm going to be the godfather"

Cameron was about to argue with him when I interrupted him

"Okay let's not start this again" I said and the boys looked reluctant but nodded. I shook my head and leant back Against Jason. "By the way I've been thinking" 

"never a good thing" Chase teased from beside me and I nudged him playfully on his side

"Like I said" I said looking away from chase and putting on a serious face "We need to make the training more extensive." I sighed "At first I was going to train the weak ones once a week, you know since they're not used to it. But now that the rogues are killing here we need everyone prepared"

Jason nodded beside me "you're right I'll talk to Damon"

"Talk to me about what?" I heard Damon's unmistakable voice behind us. I turned and looked at him and he seemed normal and smiled when he saw me.

"Lux wants to train more so that the pack members can defend themselves" Jason said dryly.

"Yeah sure" Damon said and then looked at me smirking "I'll see you later Lux" with that he left

"God I hate him" Jason said tensing up, his eyes on Damon. I grabbed his face and make him look at me and his gaze softened, I smiled and kissed him lightly and he relaxed. It surprised me I had that effect on him.

Mate Or Not. You're Still A Jerk (#1 Mate or Not)Where stories live. Discover now