Made To Love

447 18 22

Next chapter is the last chapter then Extraordinary Love will be updated

If you'll loved last chapter then you'll gonna love this one even more

That's all

Enjoy 😘 

Aniya Pov

" I ditched Lyric in a nice way after I went to go visit my sons but Autumn all of the sudden decided to keep them until tomorrow morning which I don't mind, me and hubby' could really use some alone time anyway "


" Cayden if you have something to say then just spit it out " Aniya said biting her chicken sandwich while her husband sat across from her lost of appetite but they sat inside Dairy Queen in a corner booth away from everyone.

" You know I need a new assistant " Cayden said.

" Yeah so " Aniya said picking up a napkin wiping her mouth but moaned to the taste of the chicken sandwich.

Aniya loves fast food to death but she loves get cooking better especially with all her mom's recipes installed in her head for particularly anything she makes

" It just might be a female again and you invited to the interview if you wanna' come " Cayden said.

Aniya eyes widened taken back and she sat her sandwhich down

" Cayden Lawrence Mercion we had a fucking agreement, no more fucking female assistants " Aniya said snapping on him but in a calm tone.

Cayden was taken back but he didn't like that at all

" Business is business Ny, you the one that want me to be less busy and I'm tryna' make that happen so compromise why don't yah' Cayden said.

" Compromise Cayden really, you gotta' be fucking kidding me, you are not putting me through this bullshit again "  Aniya nearly yelled.

" Lower yo' fuckin' voice and if you snap at me again we gon' have some fuckin' problems, you best calm the fuck down " Cayden said.

Aniya jumped up finna' slap him but Cayden grabbed her rist sitting her baby down

" Today ain't the day Ny " Cayden said.
" Go to hell " Aniya said getting up and storming out but Cayden jumped up following her.


Now Aniya and Cayden are going back and forth in between their parked cars in Dairy Queen parking lot

" I'm gettin' real tied of yo' ass Ny " Cayden said.

" Oh' so I'm the problem now " Aniya asked?

" You get like this everytime I even bring up female assistant, I'm tied of yo' damn insecurities about me cheatin' and leavin' you for them, yeah you must think I can't read through you well check this out I can and you know what why don't you just get it through yo' fuckin' head that the only woman I want is you, fuckin' trust me Ny damn " Cayden said. 

" I do fucking trust you Cayden, it's them I don't trust and maybe if you stop allowing them around you I wouldn't have insecurities about it but no you continue to do dumb shit just to stress me out and make me suspicious " Aniya said.

" Yeah you say you trust me but you suspicious, Aniya fucking Mercion, I am not gonna' do everythin' that you think I'm gonna' do, business is business " Cayden said grabbing her head looking down at her dead in the eyes and Aniya stared into his as her lip quivered.

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