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I couldn't just go to Ireland that easily. I simply only recognized the voice as an old friend. I'm just losing my mind from stress...

I'm not going to think about it.

It was only 6:37 PM and I was still grading papers. I don't want to leave until they're all done.

There was still a stack of papers left. I groaned as my head fell onto the desk. BONK! "Ughh."

Being a teacher isn't easy, I mean no job is easy at all. You wake up early, tolerate students, grade worksheets or tests, meetings, obnoxious parents, just teacher objectives, y'know?

Time flew by as I graded. I looked at my watch, 8:47 PM. Again, I sighed in annoyance. I still had a stack left.

During my diligent grading, I felt a bit woozy. My eyelids slowly kept shutting. I shook my head once or twice until I found myself falling asleep.


"Stop calling Jack that! Everyone is different! See, even me." I yelled at the boy who was bullying my classmate, Jack.

"Aww, sticking up for your boyfriend? Pathetic," the boy snickered as his gang laughed along.

"H-He's not my boyfriend! I don't even know m-much about him!" I stuttered.

Jack was a good student. He'd get in trouble for talking n' all but thats just us as immature kiddos. Other than that he truly was really funny and kind. When he turned to talk; I always lit up with joy.

"I've gotta hand it to you, you're pretty good at acting." The boy's frown switched to a menacing grin.

I felt tears building up in my eyelids, clenching my fists harder to calm my nerves.

A small touch around my wrist turned my attention away, "It's okay Y/N."

Looking back to see Jack, he seemed concerned. I stopped and sat in my seat, nor understanding why I didn't deny him.

"Giving up already?"

"That's enough."

Jack stood up, his head held high in front of the bully and his gang.

"Oh look, mother's baby boy finally sticking up for himself."

"What did you say?"

"I said you're a mother's b—"

Jack immediately punched him; it sounded like bricks smashing. I shivered.

Did Jack hate it when people talked about his mother? If so, why?

"Don't talk about my mother!" He yelled, the boy's nose was bleeding. His gang distanced themselves from Jack. The bully slowly looked back up.

He was...laughing?

"Did I ever say you could touch me?" He growled as his thumb wiped off the blood that was dripping from his lip.

The two boys stood in front of each other, glaring. This was the scariest moment of my life.


The teacher walked in, everyone looked at her except Jack and the menacing bully.

This was intense.


The teacher yelled and yelled.

Pretty soon enough her voice made me cover my ears because it was so aggravating.

After her long lecture between the two; they finally left the room to go to the principal's. I was worried what I caused Jack into.

It's my fault he's in there.

I'm sorry.

I couldn't help but think about Jack during class. I dozed off during most of it until I heard the door creak open.

It sounded rusty and seemed like it needed an oil change.

I lifted my head over to see them both with yellow slips. The writing was in red from what I could see. I began to worry.

If only I didn't stick up for him they both wouldn't be in this conundrum.
If only, if only, if only...

I looked back to my notes, seeing only four words written next to "NOTES:" Those words were, "Will he forgive me?"

Jack walked by sulking, and dropped a small sphere-shaped crumbled paper. I glanced at the teacher. She was writing something on the chalkboard. I took my chance and picked it up.

Jack pulled his chair out and fell smack-down onto it. I flinched.

The note rested in my palm, I decided to slowly opened it up. There was a writing on it. I flattened it out, trying to not make a distraction.

"Thank you..."

I stared at the word. What?

The bell suddenly rang, releasing us from school. I quickly stuffed the paper in my pocket.

I heard a loud groan behind me, Jack walked past my desk, still sulking. I looked over at the boy who was bullying him from before, he too seemed depressed.

He had a huge gash on his cheek, I cringed by how it looked on his face.

I waited by the double door front entrance to see if Jack got out alive from the principal's office. This was the only 'sweet' thing I could think of.

The entrance door opened, the bully first ran out. Then Jack, he looked worse than before.

"Hey J—!"

I lost my voice, and looked away. I was too terrified to talk to him. I needed to muster up some courage.

Jack kept walking; ignoring me. I caught up to him while clearing my throat.


"I saw what you had on your notepad. Don't apologize, it's fine. After all, you stuck up for me."

Jack turned to me, smiling. My eyes widened as my cheeks felt warmer by the second. "Only doing what I can here while I have the time," my voice softened.

"Oh? How long will be here?"

"8 months, then back to America."

"Oh, I could tell you're American by your accent."

"You're the one with the accent!" I giggled. Jack chuckled, his smile turned into a frown.

"Well, uhh, best be going huh?"

"I don't need to be home until 6, it's only 5:27."

Jack rose an eyebrow.

"What I mean is you can go home," he enunciated.

"I meant it as an apology. I'd like to go home with you and then I'll walk back to mine." I bit my lip hoping he'd accept my stupid thought.


Jack scratched the back of his neck. "Really, I told you it's fine, but if you really wanna come then how about I take you to your's."

I smiled, "Let's go then!"

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