Chapter 1 : family introduction

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" I only got 2 more weeks for school to be over and I'll officially be a senior by September" Nadin excitedly exclaims to her lover over the phone who lives in Egypt. She likes him a lot but hates the fact that they don't live in the same country.

She hears her mother call her  from down stairs to come help her prepare breakfast. Nadin quickly excused her self from her lover who was on the phone to go help her mom.

" As Salam umma " she said hugging her mother and kissing her cheeks. Her 4 brothers were already seated on the table in the kitchen.

The oldest is Yassir , who is 19 years sitting on the king chair , then follows Abdulrahman who's 11 years sitting on one of the 3 chairs by the left side, then Saad who's 9 years old sitting on the other right side of 3 chairs leaving the middle for Ayman who's 7 years old. Then the rest of the 3 siblings who were girls came down the stairs to the kitchen.

The first one was the youngest in the family , Kadija, who's 3 years old known as the baby of the house , She took her seat in the other side of the table that was empty and sat in middle facing Ayman.

Then came Amina who's 16 hugging her mom and kissing her on the cheeks  then asked if mom needed any help , but luckily Nadin and mom already finished everything with the help of Manal who's 13 years.

Everyone took their seat and Nadin had a special chair that only she sits on and keeps her lizard on her lap.

The family eats and Nadin excused her self and went upstairs just to text her lover. Well Nadin is not dating the boy she loves.

Her brother who is also knows her secrets knows about the boy that she likes and both her brother and  her lover are friends , even tho Nadin's lover is older than her brother.

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