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~Time Skip By Birthday Author~

Your P.O.V.

"His Name is Kiyoshi" I smile and make sure everyone can see him. He's still resting on my shoulder from when I jumped into the air. 

"Is it ok if I keep him here, Meliodas?" I ask, Worriedly "I would still take care of him, I just can't keep him at my house cuz my dad's allergic" I follow up.

"Sure, Fine by me" Meliodas says shrugging. I have to stop myself from squealing out of happiness. I put Kiyoshi down and let him explore the bar. 

"I should probably get home..." I trail off, They all look at me.

"You aren't staying another night?" They all ask in such perfect harmony that its terrifying.

"Oh, Uh, if you want me to stay again then I can" I say, hoping they won't answer in unison too.

"You could stay here till the end of the week if you really wanted" Meliodas said, cleaning a mug with a white cloth. 

"Oh, Ok" I smile. I lean against the wall and call my parents.

"Hey, You know how I said I was staying at Elizabeth's house?" After asking this she perks up at her name being said, and the others look at me with that 'Whaaa?' Kind of look. I shrug at them.

"Huh? Oh! Oh, Yes, Why?" They Reply

"Yeah, I'm Planning on staying the rest of the week" I say, Afraid of disapproval

"Oh, That's fine sweet heart... Why do you want to stay there?" They ask, making me blush and rub the back of my neck.

"O-oh, We need to study for a big test coming up" I'm not completely lying, Other than the 'study' Part. I don't need to study.

"Okay, Have fun" They hang up quickly and I put my phone in my pocket. I look back up only to be greeted with their smirks.

"So you never told them you were sharing a bed with a boy?" Meliodas Teases

"Shut Up" I say, rolling my eyes. I do that too much. Then I realize...

"Wait! King! I-I flew when--" I stop myself and blush "I-I flew when I stopped you from getting hit" I finish, Remembering the moment after made us both go tomato red.

"You stopped him from getting hit by a car?" Diane Asks, Sounding concerned 'If I told her we kissed she would flip! Oh God!' I looked at King worriedly, He stares back, his face redder than his hair.

"Y-yeah, I did... It was just Instinc-" I stop, I rephrased the thing I said before our lips joined together. "I-it was just Instinct" I finish. Ban and Meliodas are smirking. 

"I'm Going for a walk. Diane and Elizabeth? Wanna Join Me?" I ask, Grabbing Kiyoshi and putting him on my shoulder. Me and Elizabeth walk out the door and join Diane. We walk off, Leaving the boys alone at home.

King's P.O.V.

I wave to them and turn around. I'm greeted with Meliodas and Bans' smirk. 

"So what happened King?" They Ask in unison creepily.


Sorry it's short, I'm writing the other part like, right now


Baked For Him(King x Reader)(Nanatsu no Taizai, High school AU) Where stories live. Discover now