Chapter Two: Just Friends

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"I like rabbits." he doesn't hesitate to say taking me by surprise. Confused, utterly confused is more like it by his comment just now.

Is that suppose to be a compliment or something to say to make me feel less sad because I'm starting to sound depressed when I don't want to? Am I asking for him to feel sorry for me by what I'm saying?

"Oh." I reply, coming to the conclusion I may be asking for this by my actions. I'm acting like a sad lonely broken hearted person which I am. I am despite trying not to let Roman who isn't even here continue to affect me.

I don't want him to. I don't want to think about him and the way be made me feel like the prey I am. I don't want to be ashamed of who I am yet it's hard not to be when I look around the room and feel small and vulnerable.

The only reason I'm not dead in a house surrounded with werewolves is because my father making a deal with them. Otherwise I wouldn't stand a chance. I'm nothing against them by myself I still can't wrap my mind around why they would come to an agreement together with our kind. My father rarely talks about what he discusses with Oliver and it's no surprise to me. I had to learn little by little through the years what I hadn't been told in the first place instead of secrets kept among our family.

Sometimes I feel like even in my own family I'm an outcast and I wish I wasn't. I'm overprotected and the protection doesn't make me feel safe. It makes me feel smothered and hidden from the truth out there I should know. Like werewolves I didn't know lived among us until I was fourteen while Jasper knew of both our kind since he was little.

"I'm serious Thackery." he goes on not making this conversation any less awkward as I wish he would let it go.

I should have never said a word to begin with when what's the point in telling him what I am? We're barely friends and since when did I decide to just tell anyone what I consider a secret?


"Sorry maybe that came out wrong." he chuckles, "I meant to say I think it's great. Amazing really when I'm...well normal I guess. Why didn't you ever tell me before?"

"I was always told not too." I think back to my father's words saying it's best to keep it to ourselves. Though looking back that served little purpose. I was told not to hide secrets when secrets were hidden from me.

"That's understandable. I would probably do the same if I were you." Jasper replies.

"How did you find out we existed?"

"My parents and where I grew up. Before moving last year we lived in a small town and there were many living around living their lives as humans and in the comfort of where they live shifting into their animal form and back again. I don't know I never thought it was a bad thing or something to shout to the whole world because it's suppose to stay hidden with those you trust. And by the way I don't consider you prey Thackery."


I stare at the time displayed on my phone, 12:30. Time slipping by and I wish it wasn't. I wish the morning hadn't gone by so quick when my nerves are getting the best of me. I feel nervous. I feel anxious as I put my phone in my pocket and look into the bathroom mirror at myself. Questioning the very reason I'm dressed and ready to go out when I should be staying home. I should be spending time with family or something, anything but going out with Jasper today.

We're just friends, Jasper and I, yet why does it feel weird to have gotten ready to hang out  today? Is it because I'm not used to having friends I hang out on a regular basis? Is it because a year ago when I first met him he told me he likes me and that's why he invited me to his party? Or is it the way he didn't make me feel horrible about being part rabbit?

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