Chapter 9

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"Ugh,I can't do this." I threw the notebook across the room. Minseok eyes grew wide.

"Shit Min Jee," Minseok got up and picked up the book. "Don't be so harsh to your notebook. It's just paper, let it be."

"But I'm getting a headache. All these history notes are grouping together to attack my brain." I hammered my head into the pillows on my couch.

"At least say sorry to the notebook." Minseok shoved the book onto my pillowed face.

"No,it can rot in hell."

"Min Jee."

"I'm sorry that you are such a stupid peice of shit," I then threw my hands in the air.

"What the fuck!? I think I've gone insane! I'm talking to unreal objects." I gripped Minseok shoulders.

"Am I insane?!" I demanded.

"Min Jee, you haven't slept for 3 days," He says calmly. I laugh, an insane laugh.

"Hah! What the hell is sleep!" I howled. I got up and threw the pillows.

"Min Jee, you're insane, it's time for sleep." Minseok placed a hand on my shoulder.

I laughed so hard that tears started to form. My vision blurred.

Minseok seemed to have enough, he lifted me into his arms and lead me into my room. It took hours, but he was able to settle me down and have me fall asleep.

The next morning, my brain wouldn't stop thumping harshly against my skull. My thoart was fried, each time I took a breathe, it felt like I was breathing fire. My muscles would not lift me off the bed.

Minseok walked in, soup in his hands. He smiled but then frowned when he saw me stuck in my bed.

"You're sick aren't you?" He placed his back hand on my forehead.

"No, why would I be?" I rolled my eyes.

"You are steaming." He handed me the soup. "I'll take care of you."

"You don't have to," I pushed the soup away. "I'm not stupid."

"Yes you are, you were awake for 3 days in a row." He grabbed the spoon, trying to feed me. "No more working, you are going to be cared for until you feel better."

"But I-" He shoved the soup into my mouth. The warm liqud calmed my throat down.

He took care of me over the week, making meals, checking on me when fell asleep, and turning on my showers. He would not leave me out of his sight, unless I was showering of course.

I liked it when he took care of me. I've done it for him before, but this time it was different.

It felt like something more then just friends.

I couldn't tell if we became closer friends.

Or if I didn't process my feelings correctly in the past.

My body shudders awake. My dreams had totured me for a long while now. Now I've gotten used to the creepy feeling. The feeling of seeing old beautiful memories but hating that it paid a visit.

After I did my important bathroom things, I looked out the window and sighed.

My favorite season was drowning into the worst season. The sun started to shine through the dark grey clouds more. Spring started to grow in my backyard. I didn't like it.

I slipped my bag onto my shoulder. The uniform blazer covered my palms and the stockings went over my knees. I exit my house to get to school.

My phone vibrated widly once I locked the door. It was another text from Ah-ri. I pressed ignored. It sent the message to my spam along with other ones from Minseok and everyone else.

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