Chapter 5

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"When will you visit us?" I heard Chen begging over Skype

"Probably never," I picked at my nails.

Truth was, I was going to take a train to Seoul and suprise the boys tommorow. It was also going to be Chanyeol's birthday, November 27. I also gotten Kris a gift because I skipped his birthday, November 6. Luckily I was still on Chuseok break.

"Aww. Your gonna miss my birthday too? It's tommorow." Chanyeol pouted.

"Sorry," I shurgged. "I have homework,"

"You can only skip Chanyeol's birthday, you have to come to mine!" Kyungsoo grinned.

"You can't make me. "

"Yes I can! Watch me," Kyungsoo continued.

"Just promise you will actually visit us," Sehun frowned.

Most of them didn't like how I never visit, but really, I live 4 hours away. I seriously cannot go there every week just to hang out.

"I can't promise you a thing," I chuckled.

"Go back to studying Babo!" Minseok teased.

"Go back to being popular Babo!" I countered.

He stuck his tongue and I stuck mine back. I never understood how we were still friends with the tongue thing.

"Anyway, Chanyeol, have a good birthday," I turned off my laptop.

I then received a text from Minseok.

Mini Minseok: At least say bye! You always leave so unexpected.

Me: Bye.

I started to throw some sets of clothes into my black and white striped hand carry. I placed my "bathroom items" inside the pockets. I didn't wear make up so I filled the little bag it had with little snacks like Pepero, Jollypong, and Homerunball. I placed two boxes in a snugged corner of the bag. One was a baby blue color with brown ribbon wrapping around it and a letter. The second was hunter green with a golden ribbon around it.

I also stuffed my grey Jansport backpack with my extra homework and my canvas sketch book. I never left the house with my sketch book. Never. Lastly I placed my pencil bag in.

After packing up, I climbed onto my bed. I made the same call to my dad and tucked myself in.

Flashback dream ~~

"Minseok, what the hell are you suppose to be?" I rose a brow.

It was freshmen year and Minseok has been trying to get me to go to the Halloween Ball for the freshmens.

"I'm a vampire!" He gasped horridly. I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways," I staggered outside. "What are you doing here? If it's about that ball I am not going."

"Fine, Let's go trick or treating instead!" He was so ecstatic.

"Ugh, no, strangers are giving me candy, that's creepy." I scorned.

"Cmon! Jebal! For me!" He urged.

"No, besides, I have no costume,"

"Who cares?! It's Halloween! No rules are applied." He simpered.

"Still not going, Halloween is naive,"

"Stop thinking so vile! Let's celebrate!" Minseok ended up yanking my arms out of my house.

We got a nice bundle of candy which to Minseok meant a sleep over at my house. I remembered him soundly asleep on my couch. I placed a white fleece on him and went into my room, I didn't want Minseok to wake me in my parents room. I only allowed myself in that room normally.

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