Chapter 7

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I see a little girl running up a small hill. Her face was bright and happy. She looked about 6.

"Daddy! Look!" She pointed to the night sky. Small little stars had started to flash down on her.

A tall man, the father, walked behind. He placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Aren't they pretty?" She sighed happily

"One day I'll go see the stars, up close," The father smiled. He was sweet and gentle.

"Will you take me with you?" The little girl perked up. Her pig tails bounced against her shoulders.

"When your older. For now, I go alone. But I promise to come back."

I wanted to scream at the man. I opened my mouth, but no words came out.

"Do you really promise?"

"Min Jee, of course. Even though I leave for a long time, I will always be back."

"You're actually leaving?!" She exclaimed.

"Soon I will."

"Daddy! You can't just leave me here al-"

"You will be fine."

This time, I wanted to run up to man and slap him. My feet was glued to the grass though. I couldn't save the little girl. I couldn't save myself from torture.

I manged to wake myself. I rubbed my eyes and look at the setting, hoping it would distract me from the memory. Everyone was still sleep. Although, next to me, I see Minseok and Luhan sleep against each other's head. I grabbed my phone and snapped a quick picture before streching myself out. I heard a small grumble below me. I look down and see Tao moving his head around my lap.

Are you serious Tao? When did I let you sleep here?

I sighed lightly. I slowly put his head against on top of the blanket I had over me. Come to think of it, when did I get a blanket? I throw that thought out of my head and walk to the bathroom.

After brushing my teeth and throwing my hair back into a messy bun, I walked into the kitchen.

I took some eggs and bacon from the fridge and turned on the stove. After making a nice proportion of eggs and bacon, I threw in some toast into the toaster oven. While the last group of bread start burning I open a tall drawer.

I see the plates near the middle. Since I'm barely 5'3, I couldn't reach it. I start to jump up and try grabbing it. Still couldn't do it. I stood on a stool. The plates were still far from reachable.

Min Jee, are you seriously that short?

I steadily start to climb up the counter. The whole time, I was telling myself to not look down. I took the plates quickly and was stuck. How do I get down now?

I tried to place me feet down but I squealed. I couldn't do it. I looked down. I thought I was about jump of a cliff. There was nothing around to step down on.

Small mumbles start to erupt from the living room. I looked up and see Chen getting up, rubbing his head. Suho followed him.

"Guys, a little help?" I whispered. The two boys looked up at me and closed thier mouths, covering their laughs.

"C'mon! This isn't funny!" I moaned quietly. They started to wake everyone up. I curse silently in my head. I tried to look for a quick escape, too late. Everyone got up and exploded into laughter. My face flushed.

Leaving. (Xiumin Fan Fiction <3)Where stories live. Discover now