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"This is going to be too weird. I should leave you and your friends alone." River says nervously as we walk down to the cafeteria.

"It's not going to be weird." I assure him. "Stop stressing over it, alright?"

He pouts. "I can't. I'm their leader and they're my wife's friends. I don't know how it can't be weird."

"Easy. Just pretend you're not their leader and be yourself. You know, the part that doesn't involve The Blue Assassins at all."

"Right." He nods and I grab his arm, making him stop walking.

"Wait." I look up at him. "I just thought of this... But why is called The Blue Assassins?"

River smiles. "Well, Kinsey Ashmore, my ancestor, was forced to take this drug that made his blood blue and was later on assassinated. My other ancestors made a vow to assassinate the killer and when they killed him, more killers were revealed."

"So, " he continues, "they kept assassinating the killers involved. Once their revenge was fulfilled, they realized there were many other killers in the world who may have done the same thing to other people. And there they created the organization to assassinate people, in honor of my ancestor's assassination."

I laugh as he takes a deep breath. "Wow. That's a really long story."

"It sure is hard to tell."

"It makes sense, though. I understand them. Your ancestors, I mean." I say and he chuckles softly.

"Really?" River raises his eyebrows. "I thought you would disagree with the whole thing."

"Well, I obviously wouldn't encourage it. But I understand." I shrug.

River gives me a big old smile. "You're an extraordinary person. You know that?"

"I never noticed." I grin and he rolls his eyes.

"What a narcissist you are."

"An extraordinary narcissist."

He laughs and puts his arms around me. I suddenly feel him tickling my sides and I yelp.

"No!" I laugh, trying to push him away. "Stop! R–River, stop! No tickling! I hate tickling!"

"Sorry." He apologizes but continues to tickle me. Not being able to control myself anymore, I elbow his stomach and he groans.

"Finally!" I sigh in relief, clutching my stomach.

He glares at me. "Why'd you do that? Jesus, that hurts."

"I was defending myself." I respond and he shakes his head.

"No." River leans on the wall, closing his eyes. "I'm pretty sure you wanted to beat me up."

"Oh, I didn't realize that was an option!"

River huffs. "You're despicable."

"Thank you, Daffy Duck." I grin and he frowns. He crosses his arms while shooting me a dirty look.

"Aw, come on, River! It's that bad." I say to him but he turns away from me. "Okay, fine. I'm sorry, alright? I'm really, really sorry. Do you forgive me?"

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