Chapter #1

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(Fexi's POV)

Voices echoed through my head, flashbacks. I couldn't help but let free the tears that had been welling up inside me. The bitter cold air slapped against my face however,  my blood was hot and pulsing in my head.  My head snapped towards a familiar yowl from home, Mom. I was only 20 moons old but, i had the urge to run to her. What else was there to do? I had seen my home, empty, nothing. I lifted my nose high in the air, blocking out everything except for the smell if my family, and blood.

I continued to follow the scent and luckily i smelt it getting stronger and stronger with every step. The hot tears against my cold face distracted from my numb paws. I has sniffed the air once more and a more recognizable scent. Nick. It had to be him but something else was not too far away, an unfamiliar scent. It was strong and wild, like a bison in the plains nibbling at grass. Another whiff and a third scent is detected. Strong and metallic, enough to make my nose crinkle up in disgust.  

Racing up to Tall Hill every scent had kicked in. Almost like following a map the scents led to a river where i had stood in horror.Nick. His eyes glistened like newly cut, fresh glass. He was in pain. His face had a smile as he saw me crouch towards him, licking his grey, matted fur  covered in blood. His gash across his chest spilled the wet substance.  I felt him glide his paw against my face wiping away my tears. My voice hitched in the back of my throat as i tried to speak " Nick, please stay alive." He chuckled a bit coughing out blood. All i could do is stare into his eyes while he stared at mine full of pain and sadness.

"Stop crying Fexi...." he managed to spit out.

 "I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU NICK! YOU'RE ALL I HAVE LEFT! YOU ARE MY BLOOD BROTHER!" He gave me a slightly sad look and said, "Well, I'm gonna try to hold onto my life so I can tell you this..." I looked at him confused. "You're," he began to cough again, but this time blood spilled out of his mouth, " You're not related by blood. You're kind of adopted. I know it sounds harsh, but its true. I tried to say it honestly, so that's the best way it could come out. You're adopted. You were abandoned at birth. I love you and hope you can understand why i didn't tell you earlier..." By the time he had finished his sentence, I was sobbing so hard and the blood spilling from his chest had reached the river.

 The last words he said were, "You're my sister and yet, you're a fox." He then died. Right by my side. At our favorite spot in the world. And my eyes spilled their tears. Not just from being told that I was adopted and lied to for my whole life. I was sobbing for Nick. And I continued to do so for two days, but then I decided it was time. Leaving my old life behind, risking it all for the sake of my sanity. I was gonna find my real mom and dad. And I was gonna find them even if it killed me.

But You're Never Gonna Burnजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें