The Fox and The Visitor

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It was only moments before dawn when the maid Leanne jostled Quinn awake. With her eyes still closed she sensed the woman was flustered, she'd never wake the young lady so harshly for nothing, she knew her temper too well to often risk it. Quinn sighed as she sat up, making sure not to go off on her already, she would at least allow her to explain herself.

"And what in all the kingdoms am I now woken for?" She asked, her voice deadpanning as she finally wiped her eyes open. She could hear Leanne racing breath as she tired to think up a reason that would spare her of the teen's petty wrath. The girl narrowed her sharp eyes impatiently.

"Mi'lady Lord Bolton rides ta Whitehelm as we speak, wid his bastard Ramsay an' the intent of marriage!" She blurted out, echoing in the silence of the chambers. The maid met her now wide eyes as she lost her words. Looking just as frightened, she guided the girl to stand.

"Fuckin' Hell! Why wasn't I informed earlier??" She asked, angry now that she had been caught unawares. The temper she was avoiding, flaring out in her exhausted state. She had no new gowns prepared and was looking an utter mess. Leanne flinched at the raised voice, looking slightly confused at the hot headed girl.

"Yer father told yah at dinner three days ago, mi girl." She said matter of factly, Quinn paused in her rush, furrowing her eyebrows at the accusation before thinking back. She suddenly realized she had in fact heard something of betrothal that night, but she had been put half asleep by all the droning on about lords and ladies of the Gods know where. She scolded herself for being so careless. But she had heard just enough to know that the house with a flayed man for sigil, was by no means good.

"You're right." She admitted as she continued glancing around, stripping off her nightgown as she made her way to the bath, suddenly nervous of this Ramsay figure. "I guess I'll need a bath if I plan on meeting my possible husband." She sighed, flicking her hand at her to go run hot water while she collected her bath oils and soaps. She studied the bottles and bars closely, settling on a fragrant orchid oil and white peony petaled bar. Just as she slipped out of her undergarments, Leanne returned with two buckets of steaming water. Quinn laid down in the iron tub as the maid poured the relaxing water over her. After a moment of soaking she rubbed her down with the petal bar till her skin felt like silk and a few of the little flowers floated by. She lathered some oil into her hair as she laid back and waited for Anne to rinse it out. Once the girl felt satisfied with her fresh scent and skin she stood up and toweled herself dry.

She stood naked in front of a mirror for a long while, scrutinizing every misplaced mark and unevenness. After her maid threw out the water and left, she was alone in her brooding. Although the mirror was barely even clear enough to see into, she could feel every imperfection just as easily. She wasn't fat by far, her mother would kill her before she had the chance to be, but she wasn't entirely thin either. Her thighs and arse felt like pastry magnets every time she ate. Her breasts were supple yet just visibly lopsided, the kind of detail only a keen or unforgiving eye would catch. But her stomach was her worst insecurity, a hilly mess whenever she bent over or sat too long that left pink lines across her abdomen. The only part she didn't mind was her strawberry blonde hair and hazel eyes, they always looked brilliant in morning light and thankfully managed to overshadow what she thought was a less attractive face. Because of her critical body image she had maids sew her entire wardrobe; until she felt that every piece fit like a glove. Though the Gods forbid she ever gain weight or they'd have to start all over for the finicky girl. She grunted, she knew she had more to work with than most- and even if she didn't she'd still hold herself above them- but it burned her up inside knowing she could do nothing to fix these little things that bothered her so. She wondered briefly what Ramsay would think of her, perhaps he'd just flay her skin till he thought it looked right. The idea made her shiver.

Leanne breezed in with a gown in her arms, gasping as she saw her standing bare, she'd clearly seen her naked before but she thought she should've been getting ready by now. Quinn had no fear of standing naked, even if she was burning alive in self hate she wouldn't let anyone else see it, and domineering confidence was a sure-fire way to mask it.

"Standin' around wid ye cheeks out will only earn ye a nasty chill." She huffed, the young lady scoffed a little and slid into her undergarments. She eyed the gown Leanne held, she'd never seen it before. The old nan noticed her staring and grinned smugly.

"I made dis awhile back when yer first betrothal was mentioned," She said, glazing over the dark time by continuing. "I hope it'll still fit ye, ye'll look heavenly." She smiled as she handed it over. Quinn studied for a long while, taking in all the fine sewing. It was an emerald green dress with golden details of a fox's head and snowflakes. She was astonished at the work and very pleased at her house's sigil bore upon the chest. She hated to admit how well the woman had done.

"It's beautiful Anne, just beautiful.." She whispered as she ran her fingers over it before trying it on. She put her arms through the sleeves as Anne laced up the dress from her lower back to her shoulders. She looked at it in the mirror, the sleeves draped gold fabric at the elbow and it dipped inward just slightly with her waist, giving off a natural corset build. Her chest looked even and full underneath the fox's head and her posterior only looked half as wide from behind. It was just what she needed to feel confident and beautiful again, maybe Ramsay would do what he pleases with her but for now she was only a barely perfect girl in her own little world.

"Thank you Leanne, it's perfect. I truly appreciate it and you." She cooed as she embraced her in gratitude, afraid this could be her last chance to thank her. Suddenly realizing how awful she had been over the years and yet how tenacious the old lady was. Tears threatened her eyes for the first time in months, she blinked them away quickly though.

"I knew ye'd look right gorgeous in it mi girl. And don't ye go gettin' soft for this fella or me, if dis man is what dey say, ye'll need all da will yah have.." She murmured as she pulled away, giving the girl a long look before grabbing her hand to take her down the hall to meet the foreboding stranger.

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