The Deal

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Your woke up the next morning at around eight o'clock which was the time everyone else was waking up. "Good morning," you said, standing up. They all said good morning back to you in a groggy voice.

Once they had all actually stood up and fully woken up, there was a knock on the door. You all looked at each other, and Damon answered the door.

There was jumbled talking and then Klaus came into the living room. "Sorry to interrupt your little party," Klaus said. Everyone looked shocked except for you.

All of a sudden, Stefan grabbed the nearest wooden thing and tried to throw it at Klaus but you stopped him. "No, Stefan, wait," you said. "Y/N, that's Klaus," Stefan said, as Damon walked into the room, looking at you.

"I know, but he isn't here to hurt you," you told him. "How do you know that?" Tyler asked you. "You didn't tell them about the deal, love, did you?" Klaus questioned.

"What deal?" Damon asked. You sighed and said, "I made a deal with Klaus. I would go with him and do whatever he asked of me, and in exchange, Klaus would let all of you live, and leave town." "What?" Matt asked.

"Y/N, you can't do this," Caroline told you. "I'm sorry but the deal is made. I'm leaving with Klaus now. I hope you all can live in peace, now," you told them. Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena hugged you and you smiled at the boys.

Just as you were about to leave, Damon grabbed your arm. "If you go with Klaus, he will kill you," Damon told you. "Better me than you," you responded with a small smile, before following Klaus out the door.

Klaus opened the passenger door to his nice car for you, and gestured for you to go in. You got in the car, and then Klaus came around and got into the driver's seat.

You waved good-nye to your friends as they all watched as you and Klaus drove off. "Don't be sad love, this is going to be fun," Klaus told you.

"Fun in an actual way or fun in a you're gonna torture me way?" you muttered. "If I wanted to kill you, Y/N, I would have done it by now," Klaus told you.

You looked at him, and asked, "Why did you make the deal?" He sighed and said, "Because you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and quite honestly I'm lonely." You looked at him and asked, "So you think I'm just going to what? Fall in love with you?"

"No, but a man can hope," Klaus replied with a cheeky smile, making you chuckle a bit. Klausctirst took you to your old motel and helped you pack all of your things. He loaded then in his car, and then you were off again.

"So where are we headed to?" you asked him. "My favorite place," he replied. "Which is?" you questioned. "New Orleans," he replied, happily.

You smiled as your eyes got a little big. "What?" Klaus asked. "I've aleays wanted to go to New Orleans," you told him. "Well, happy to be the first to take you then," Klaus told you.

The whole drive you and Klaus talked about his life, and your life. However, the drive was extremely long because Klaus decided to take the scenic route which went three states out of your way.

So, when the night came around you started to get tired. "Would you like to stop for a rest?" Klaus asked you. "No, it's okay, I can sleep in the car," you answered.

"Are you sure love?" he questioned. You nodded your head and Klaus continued to drive. After about twenty minutes though, you had gotten tired of sitting straight in your chair.

So, you scooted over closer to Klaus and laid your head on his shoulder. He was surprised by your action but smiled to himself after a minute.

You fell asleep, and once Klaus was sure that you were asleep he laid his head on your head as he continued driving to New Orleans.

Klaus had stopped at a gas station a few hours later, and as he was filling up his gas, you woke up. He got back in the car when he was done and said, "Good morning love. Sleep well?"

You nodded and Klaus said, "Good." Then he drove to a building. "Where are we?" you asked. "A restaurant I thought you might like some breakfast," Klaus said, speeding out of the car to your door and opening it for you.

You smiled at him and followed him into the restaurant. You talked and laughed the entire time, and an old lady even came up to you and Klaus and said, "You two make an adorable couple."

This made you and Klaus laugh even more. When, you had both finished breakfast, you walked back out to the car. You got in and asked Klaus, "How much longer to New Orleans?"

"We are still a few hours out. We should make it by nightfall," Klaus told you. You nodded your head, and then you continued to state at the window.

Klaus turned on the radio and started to singing to you which you found completely adorable. That was how the last hours of the trip were spent.

By the time night rolled around, you were just approaching the outskirts of the city. Klaus drove you into town and everything was lit up.

You gasped and noticed a huge cried of people. "What's going on?" you asked Klaus. "It's Mardi Gras," Klaus replied. "What?" you questioned. "It's a huge celebration here in New Orleans. Come on, let's go see it," Klaus said as he parked the car.

You got out and followed Klaus. Between the huge crowd of people you almost lost Klaus twice, so he bgrabbed your hand and led you through the crowd.

He led you to an opening and you could clearly see a huge parade. It was beautiful. After the parade there were fireworks. You smiled at them, you had never seen fireworks before.

Klaus smiled at you and you said, "They're beautiful." "Yes, almost as beautiful as you," Klaus responded. You looked at him and he's rated deeply and intensely into your eyes.

Then he slowly leaned in, and kissed you. You weren't sure what to do so you just stood there for a second, but then you started kissing him back.

Klaus smiled into the kids and deepened it. After a few moments you pulled away and looked at Klaus. He smiled at you and you smiled back. Then you returned your gaze back to the fireworks.

When the fireworks were over, Klaus got a room at a big fancy hotel. He got the biggest room he could find, so that you could have your own space in case you felt like Klaus was trapping you here.

You both for back to the room and Klaus opened it. However, Klaus was expecting two beds, and instead there was only one.

"I'm sorry love, I will sleep on the floor," he told you. You laughed and said, "It's okay. Sleep on the bed." He nodded and you both climbed into the bed.

You both kept your distance a bit, but you started to get cold, so you last out head on Klaus chest and snuggled into his side and fell fast asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2016 ⏰

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