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You woke up the next morning with a slight headache. You got up and noticed everyone else was already awake. You looked in a mirror and combed through your hair a bit with your fingers.

You walked into the dining room and noticed everyone there. "Hey, the sleeping beauty is awake," Tyler joked. "Haha, how long have you guys been up?" you asked.

"About a half hour. We didn't want to wake You," Caroline explained. "Breakfast?" Stefan asked, coming into the room. "Sure," you replied with a smile taking the plate Stefan was holding out for you.

You sat down at the table and ate. "How's the hangover. You know coffee helps," Damon said coming into the room. "Relax, Damon, we didn't get that drunk," Stefan replied.

"So, Y/N, the decades dance is coming up and toy totally have to go," Caroline told you. You thought for a second and then put on your best smile and said, "Dances aren't really my thing."

"Why did something bad happen at one?" Jeremy asked. "No, I've just never been to one," you replied. "What?" Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie practically screeched at you.

"You're going," Elena told you. "We'll go into town and but a dress for you today," Bonnie suggested. "Yeah, okay, no time for breakfast, come on Y/N, get ready," Caroline told you, taking your plate of food.

You laughed and stood up. You started following the girls out the door, but you stopped and looked back at all of the boys.

"Thanks for last night. Its was fun," you said, then you disappeared out the door. Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena dragged your around almost every dress shop in town until they found the perfect dress for you.

It was a F/C halter top dress that stopped just above your knees, and fit you absolutely perfectly. It had a bit of a retro look to it, so it was perfect for the Decades Dance. Then they took you to the rest of the stores in town to buy shoes and earrings.

The last thing they did was take you to a barber shop. You cut and styled your hair in a new way that made you look absolutely gorgeous. Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena then dropped you off at the same gas station Caroline and Tyler picked you up from.

"Are you sure you don't want us to drive you home?" Caroline asked. "I'm sure, thanks anyways?" you said, and then watched as they left. You then started walking back to your motel.

When you got there, you laid on the bed, and after an hour, you got in the shower. You got out and blow-dried your hair. You then curled it, and you put on your dress.

You found the earrings that Caroline bought for you for the dance,and you put them on. You then put on the heels, and applied your make-up. You looked at the time. It was seven o'clock.

You walked to the school, and when you got there, you saw Bonnie and Caroline. "Hey," you said, approaching them. "Hey, oh my gosh, you look drop dead gorgeous," Caroline said.

You laughed and said, "Thanks, so do you." "Well, go on in, you should find Matt and Tyler there or Elena and Stefan. We'll catch up soon," Bonnie told you.

You smiled and nodded and then you made your way into the the gym, where the dance was being held. As soon as you entered the gym, everyone was looking at you.

You walked to the punch table where both Matt and Tyler approached you. "Hey," you said with a smile. "You look absolutely amazing," Tyler told you. "Thank you, you do too. You both can pull off a suit nicely," you said.

Then, all go a sudden, someone came in the microphone and said, "This song is for Elena, from Klaus." All of your friends suddenly got a 67th if expression on their face.

"Who's Klaus?" you asked the boys. They looked at each other and then shrugged their shoulders. "I don't know," Tyler replied. He was lying, you could tell.

You got distracted by the decorations of the dance, and you didn't noticed Matt and Tyler sneak away. You saw them go out a door with the rest of your friends.

You went to follow them, but Damon stood in front of you. "May I have this dance?" Damon asked you. You politely smiled at him and then nodded.

"You may," you said, taking Damon's hands. He danced you around the floor as he said, "You look ravishing Y/N." "You look pretty good yourself, Damon," you replied. "Thanks I like to think so," Damon joked.

You laughed and Damon continued to twirl you around the dance floor, talking to you. There was a very slow part of a song where Damon pulled you close and looked deeply into your eyes.

You looked into his just as deeply and then the song was over. Damon let go of your hands and smiled at you. "Excuse me while I get some punch," Damon said.

You nodded and he left. After a few minutes, you tried to look for him, but he wasn't there anymore, none of your friends were. You decided to investigate.

You felt your side. You had tucked a gun in it just in case. After living with the Winchesters, you never know when you may need it. You walked around the school, and you finally got to the cafeteria.

You peeked inside, and noticed that Bonnie was in there, and so was Mr. Saltzman. But, something was wrong, Bonnie was trying to kill Mr. Saltzman, using...magic?

"Really? How do you always get stuck in a life with the supernatural?" you asked yourself. You noticed that the rest of your friends were on the outside of the cafeteria trying to bust in.

You knew about witches, and you knew that if they used too much power, they could die, which was probably what Bonnie was doing right now. You took in a deep breath before kicking the doors open.

You pulled out your gun and started shooting Mr. Saltzman. He was by you within a second and he threw you against a wall.

You fell and said, "Really? You have to be a vampire?" You got and just as her as about to grab you by your throat, you ducked and went underneath his arm so you were behind him.

You kicked him in the back and he knocked hish was against the wall. You continued to dodge the attacks Mr. Saltzman hit you with and you managed to continue to hit up, to the point where you knocked him out.

When he fell to the ground, you wiped the blood from your nostrils, and then noticed that the cafeteria doors were now unlocked, and there they were, all of your friends were now staring at you in complete shock.

"What the hell are you?" Tyler asked you. "What do you mean?" you asked, trying to play the innocent card. Damon vamp sped to you and pushed against the wall choking you.

"What the hell are you?" he asked you again raising his voice a bit. All of a sudden, he fell to the ground holding his head.

Bonnie was there using some of her powers to hurt Damon. "Stop Damon," she warned, and then she stopped hurting him.

You signed and said, "I didn't want you guys to find out." "Find out what?" Jeremy asked. "Follow me," you told them.

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