Going to the Party

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//This is Stefan again. Please don't forget to ask questions and dare me and my friends on my new book "Ask The Vampire Diaries" Thanks and Enjoy reading this story update!//

You got to the motel at about three thirty in the afternoon. You quickly got in the shower and blow dried you hair. If you were going to be staying at someone else's you were going to make sure you smelt and looked good. You found some cute, but comfy, black sweatpants. They were a little tight, but you looked super good in them, so you wore them. You put on a comfy T-shirt that was also a bit tight, because most of your clothes was from about three years ago. Hunting Winchesters didn't allow for much extra spending money. You slipped on your favorite tennis shoes and you were about to walk out the front door when you got a text from Caroline.

Caroline: Hey have you left yet?

You: Not yet. I was just about to walk out the door.

Caroline: Good. My mom decided to have a meeting at our house tonight, so we are moving the party to Stefan's house. What's your address so I can come get you?

You: You can just send me the address and I will find his place. I don't want to bother you.

Caroline: Don't be silly. I don't want you getting lost. I will come and get you. Tyler is coming to, so be ready ;P

You: Care, really I can try to find Stefan's house by myself.

Caroline: We are already coming to get you ;) what's your address?

It was clear. You aren't getting out of this. Caroline and Tyler were definitely coming to get you.

You: Can you come get me at the gas station near the high school?

Caroline: Are you sure? We can go to your house...

You: I'm positive.

Caroline: Okay. We will be there in about ten minutes.

You: Great! Thx ;)

You quickly brushed through your hair and put on light make-up. Once you looked good you walked to the gas station. You didn't think to bring a jacket, so the cold night air sent shivers down your spine. You got to the gas station and about five minutes later, Caroline and Tyler showed up. "Hey," you greeted, getting into the car. "Hey Y/N," Tyler replied, him and Caroline both giving you a smile. "So, how's your mom Y/N?" Caroline asked. "Mom? I thought you said you didn't have any family in Mystic Falls," Tyler said. Crap. "Uh, it's kind of a long story," you told them. Tyler and Caroline both looked at you before looking at each other. "Okay," Caroline said, driving away from the gas station. You looked out the window, gazing at Mystic Falls as you passed through town. You were driving through a secluded part of Mystic Falls, where there were woods all around you. All of a sudden, through a clearing in the woods, there was a mansion. "Welcome to the Salvatore Mansion," Caroline said, as she pulled into the driveway. You're mouth slightly dropped as you looked at the mansion. The outside looked amazing compared to the motel and you can only imagine what the inside of the house looked like. Caroline started walking to the front door of the house and Tyler walked with you. When you got inside you looked around and you were greeted by an unfamiliar, yet familiar face. It was a man with black hair and blue eyes. "What brings me the pleasure?" the man asked. You could swear you recognize the man from somewhere. "We are having somewhat of a party for our new friend Y/N. Where's Stefan?" Caroline asked. The man looked at you and then you recognized him. He was the man you saw looking at you in town the first day you came to Mystic Falls. You slightly furrowed your eyebrows, and the man said, "Stefan is with Elena upstairs, but I'm sure he will be coming down anytime now. You are welcome to take a seat in the living room." Caroline smiled and said, "Thank you." Caroline made her way to the living room and you went to follow her, but the man stepped in front of you. "I don't believe we have met. I'm Damon. I'm Stefan's older brother," the man said. "Hi, I'm Y/N," you said, shaking Damon's extended hand. "Beautiful name. Nice to meet you," Damon told you. You smiled at him and said, "It was nice to meet you too." You and Damon exchanged stares for a few moments, and then Damon said, "Well, I will go see what Stefan is up to." You nodded and made your way into the room you saw Caroline walk into. You felt Damon's eyes on you as you walked away.

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