Party Games

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The party had started off a bit slow. When you walked into the room you saw Caroline and Tyler go into, you noticed that it was a nicely furnished living room.

Everyone you knew was there and you smiled at them as they all said hi to you. Stefan and Elena sat on the couch together, Matt, Caroline and Tyler sat on another couch, and Jeremy sat on a chair in between the two of the couches.

You sat in a chair that was opposite of Jeremy's. "So, let's get this party started. Stefan where's your liquor?" Caroline asked, making you slightly chuckle. Stefan pointed behind him and Caroline got up off of the couch to get it.

She poured everyone a drink and handed you one of the drinks. You had only drank a couple of times with the Winchesters after the really hard cases.

You drank the liquor and noticed that it was bourbon. "So, Y/N, what's your story?" Stefan asked. "My story?" you questioned. "Everyone has some kind of background history. What's yours?" Stefan explained.

"Oh, well there really isn't that much to tell. My family traveled a lot, so I was always moving, and helping them with the family business. That's all there is to it, really," you said with a smile.

"So how many schools have you been to in your whole life?" Jeremy asked curiously. "Mystic Falls will be my eighteenth," you replied. Slight gasps were heard from Bonnie and Caroline while the rest of the gang stared at you in shock.

"So, then, does that mean that you won't be staying here for very long?" Bonnie asked you. "I don't know, that's a good question," you responded.

"Wouldn't your family tell you?" Matt asked. "She doesn't have family out here," Tyler answered. "Except her sick mother," Caroline replied.

"Wait, why did you leave your family in the first place?" Stefan asked. "Was it to take care of your mom?" Elena questioned.

You looked between everyone in the room as they continued to ask questions about you and your personal life. It was like you were an unknown object that they were trying to put under a microscope and examine.

"Guys, too many questions at one time," you told them. "Right, sorry," Caroline said. Suddenly, Damon came into the room.

"Hey kids, how's the party going? You aren't even playing any games?" Damon asked, looking at everyone. "Its going great Damon," Stefan said.

"Do you want to join us?" you asked Damon. He smiled at you slightly and Stefan said, "No, he's fine." "Actually, Stef, I think I might stay for a drink," Damon replied, sitting down.

The rest of the night was spent talking about random things. "Oh, I have a great idea! Let's play spin the bottle," Caroline said with excitement.

Everyone chuckled, and Caroline said, "Guys, I'm being totally serious!" "I know that's the funny part," Damon replied, and then got up and said, "Well you kids have fun, I'm going to bed, but it was so nice to meet you Y/N," Damon said before leaving.

You smiled at him and then Caroline got Tyler and Matt to move the table that was in the middle of the living room. You all sat on the floor, and Stefan got an empty beer bottle.

You were all slightly drunk so you were all up for playing the game. "Since, it's Y/N's party. She gets first spin. Oh, but one rule first. If a guy lands on a guy or a girl lands on a girl, they kiss the next person to the right," Caroline said.

You nodded and Stefan handed you the bottle. You chuckled and spun the bottle. It landed on Jeremy. You smiled at him and he smiled back and then you both leaned in for the kiss.

You pulled away after a couple of seconds, and then it was Elena's turn to spin. She landed on Matt, and it was a bit awkward for them but they kissed anyways.

Next, Stefan spun and landed on Caroline. They kissed and then Jeremy spin, landing on Bonnie. They shared a bit romantic kiss, and then Jeremy passed the bottle to Tyler.

Tyler spun it and it landed on you. You smiled and Tyler kissed you. Then he passed the bottle to Matt, and he landed on Caroline.

After they shared a kissed, Caroline spun and landed on Jeremy. When their kiss was over, the bottle came back to you. You all played that game for a while adding a few more rules to spice up the games.

Then, when you had all gotten tired, you all laid down on the floor. It took a long time for you all to fall asleep though because you all kept laughing and telling each other funny stories.

However, once the first person fell asleep, which was Matt, then everyone else did. You were the last to fall asleep, and you looked at your friends. You had wanted a normal life for so long.

But, you wished Sam and Dean were there. You missed them. They were your family. You got up and quietly snuck away to another room in the mansion.

You dialed Dean's phone number mad waited for him to pick up. "Hello," you heard a voice say. "Hey Dean," you said. "Hey N/N, how are you sweetheart?" Dean asked. "I'm good. How are you guys?" you questioned.

"We're fine," Dean replied. You smiled lightly and Dean asked, "Is everything okay? Do you need something?" "No, everything fine. It's just--I just. I miss you guys," you said.

"Well, sweetie, we miss you too. Hold on I'm gonna get Sammy," Dean said. Then, you heard Sam's voice too. "Hey Y/N," Sam said. "Hey Sammy," you replied with a smile. "How's out favorite girl?" Sam asked you.

"Not as good as I would be with you guys here," you replied. "Yeah, things haven't been the same without you here. They've been too quiet. We miss you," Sam replied.

"I miss you guys more," to said. "Impossible," Dean responded. You laughed, and let a tear drop from your eyes. You missed the Winchesters so much. "Y/N, why are you taking so quiet?" Sam asked.

You just realized that you had been practically whispering in the phone so you wouldn't wake veryone else up. "Oh, I'm kind of at a slumber party thing, and everyone else is sleeping," you answered.

"Already? It's like six o'clock at night," Dean said. "Maybe where you are, but it's two in the morning over here," you said. "Where are you, anways?" Sam asked.

"A town called Mystic Falls," you replied. "Never heard of it," you heard Dean say. "Yeah, it's a small town," you responded.

"Well N/N, You should get some sleep. We'll call you soon," Sam said. "Okay, I love you guys," you said. "We love you too," Dean replied before hanging up.

You smiled at your phone, and then you went back to the living room and went to sleep, thinking about your new life in Mystic Falls.

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