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Three Years Later... (Seth and Dannie are now 19 and at college)

Dannie stood by idly at the train station, a baby blue scarf wrapped tightly around her neck.  She checked her watch again and crease appeared between her eyebrows.  He was late.  Again.

A train rushed by and Dannie folded her arms, trying to keep the his tardiness from dampening her mood.  She hadn't seen him in six months and she wanted this Thanksgiving break to be the best of its kind.

A flash of tousled brown hair alerted her the arrival of her boyfriend.  His expression was frantic as his eyes scanned the crowd for her, presumably.

"Dannie, I'm so sorry.  I had to talk to the Dean about my internship and-"

Dannie cut Seth off by molding her lips to his.  Seth immediately wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in closer, tighter.

"You better apologize later.  I'm still mad at you," she said poking him in the chest.  He gave her a sheepish smile and kissed the top of her head. 

They walked hand in hand toward the campus of Yale.  Dannie's dream school had always been Yale and Seth's Princeton.  They had both gotten accepted into the same State schools but had decided that going to college based on a high school relationship was something they didn't want to do.

Even though they attended different schools now and were pursuing different careers, their relationship was still going strong, despite Seth's lack of timing due to his difficult hours at school.

"So I got you a present, because I knew I was probably going to be late," Seth said, a big grin on his face as he pulled a bag out from his backpack.

Dannie's face lit up and she bit her lip to contain her excitement as Seth slowly, tortuously opened the bag.

He pulled out a black cloth and Dannie shuffled closer, fingering the fabric.

"It's a Princeton sweatshirt!  To remind you that we beat you in the last football game!" Seth laughed pulling it out to reveal a black sweater with a neon orange tiger on it.

Dannie's mouth fell open and she punched Seth in the shoulder.  "We'll eat you alive next time!" 

Seth laughed and offered her the sweater.  "Please wear this though.  It cost me fifty bucks."

Dannie let out a annoyed huff and tugged the cloth over her head.  "Just because I love you."

"Aw, I love you too sweetheart."

Two More Years Later (Seth and Dannie are now 21 and still in college)...

"This chicken is really good."

"Eat with your mouth closed."

"Your mouth is open."

Dannie grimaced and swallowed her food.  It was Christmas and her and Seth were spending it back in North Carolina with both their families.  Apparently the chicken Mr. Parker made was so good that Seth had to eat it with his mouth open.

"You bugger, what kind of Christmas present is this?" Katy yelled from where she sat.  Being fifteen and one of the most popular girls in her grade, she was growing up to be a magnificent young lady.  Minus the good manners of course.

"It's the thought that counts," Dexter said grinning cheekily from behind his thick glasses.  His blonde hair was more grown out now and had turned a shade of dirty blonde.

"A book titled A brief History of Nearly Everything?  Seriously?" Katy deadpanned.

"It's good!"  Dexter insisted.

"Well open my present then," Katy said scooting closer to Dexter to catalogue his reaction.

Dexter warily unwrapped the paper and held the kit in his hands.  A make-up kit to be exact.

"I thought you needed a bit touching up," Katy said while Dexter rolled his eyes.  "But don't worry, I left the gift receipt in there, in case you didn't appreciate my thoughts."

Dexter smiled appreciatively before a mischievous twinkle entered his eye.  It was similar to the look that was constantly seen by Katy's smile.

"Thank you for your wonderful present but I'm going to have to go upstairs to read that book Sally bought me."

"Sally?  Who's Sally?" Katy trilled, bewildered.

"Oh, just a friend," Dexter said waving a hand airily.

"Who. Is. Sally."  Katy looked like she could breathe fire, if that were possible.  

"Aw, don't be jealous Katy, I like your present the best."

"I'm not jealous!"

"Sure you're not."

With a strangled screech, Katy tackled Dexter to the floor as they flipped and turned, wrestling it out.

Same old, same old, Dannie thought with a smile.

"Where are Van and Quinn?" Seth asked, his eyebrows furrowing.

Dannie frowned too.  The eldest pair seemed to be having the most troubles, as they couldn't even make it home to the Christmas dinner.

Dannie had heard from the grapevine that Van and Quinn may have dated or may have not dated.  She didn't know for sure as Quinn avoided the question whenever Dannie called her.

"I think Van's traveling the world or something," Mrs. Parker said, sounding unsure of herself.

"I believe Quinn's spending the holidays at Grad school," Mr. Hale said, giving his input.  

"Or their together making babies!" Dexter shouted earning scathing looks from the grown-ups.  Dannie and Seth shared a smile together.

It was these moments that she lived for.  The small ones, with the light laughter, the secret smiles, the intertwined hands under the table.

With Seth in her life, it seemed like everything was going to be okay.  It didn't matter about the pain the past held or the uncertainty the future held.  As long as Seth was there, she would be okay.

It was a rather fortunate turn of events thought.

Who knew she would have fallen for the boy next door?


A/N So the story is finished!!! I'm sorry to all of you who wanted a sequel but I may make one in the near future; I left the story open like this so that I could!!

Anyways, I've got my new story, Just Elodie, up so go and check it out!  And I'm going to start working on a Cinderella and Sci-Fi type story but they probably will not be published until a later date...

Anyways, thank you to everybody who's read my story!  I know I've been a bad updater sometimes but at least I finished this book right??

And to all of you who are the kindest people in the world and worry about me vanishing off the face of Wattpad, no fear!  I would NEVER leave you guys hanging like that and if I ever do leave, I'll be sure to tell you and pass on my account to somebody else!

So ciao for now!


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