Million Dollar Baby (Chapter 9)

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*Chapter 9*


~5 months~


“Oh my god, I’m so nervous!” I said quietly to Noah. We were at the doctor’s office. I was sitting in the bed and Noah was sitting in the chair next to it, holding my hand.

“For what? It’s not like you haven’t been here before,” Noah rolled his eyes. I lightly slapped his hand.

“I know but still. It’s just one of those things you’ll always be nervous about. Like what if something’s wrong with my baby?” I said. We were going to find out the sex of the baby today and I was extremely excited as well as nervous. Even if I go to the doctor’s regularly I’m still going to be worried. Anything can go wrong between the visits.

“Everything will be fine,” Noah rubbed circles into the back of my hand soothingly. “I promise.” He said. He could do anything about it if there was something wrong but it made me feel better just to have it said.

“You’re right,” I agreed with him just as the doctor came in the door.

“Hello, Jourden. Noah.” She smiled warmly at us. She knew Noah already because he had been with me at every visit, asking more questions than me!

We both greeted her back before she got down to business. I already knew what to do without her saying it so I lied back on the table, pulled my shirt up to just below my bar and pulled my pants down some. She put the cold gel on my stomach and then started running the scanner over my stomach.

Immediately my baby’s heart beat filled the silence. I smiled slightly, hearing that everything was normal and there were no slow or unusually fast beating. Or that there were no stutters in there.

“Well,” the technician said turning and grinning at me. “Are you ready to find out the sex of your baby?” I almost  passed out from the excitement. However before I could get a word out, Noah answered for me.

“Yes!” He was grinning like a madman which was a total 180 twist from his earlier attitude.

“Um, yeah,” I laughed a little. “What he said.”

“Okay, it looks like you’re going to be having…a girl.” My heart stuttered for one second before picking up full speed. I was going to be having a baby girl. A little girl that would either look just like me, just like Tanner, or a mix of both.

“A girl,” I whispered reverently reaching down to rub my stomach as soon as she’d wiped it off. I smiled to myself and briefly forgot where I was and that I wasn’t alone.

“Did you here that?” Noah said, putting his much larger hand over mine which was still cradling my stomach. “You’re going to be having a baby girl. Of course she’ll look just like her beautiful mother.” He kissed my cheek and I blushed a little. It was times like this that I desperately wished that Noah was the father. Even if the timing was all wrong and I didn’t even know Noah existed then, it still didn’t stop me from wishing. At least I knew he would be there.

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