chapter two.

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Kyra sat on the couch, knees tucked close to her. She wore a simple two-piece outfit that had been picked out her that slightly resembled her Jedi robes. On the brown belt rested her lightsaber, disarmed but ready for use. Accompanying it was a blaster which had been of use to her before. While Padmé talked with Captain Typho neat the deck, she twirled the charm through her fingers. She patiently waited for Obi-Wan's arrival, which she had been informed was that day. She felt excited to be able to see her old friend again.

She was quickly jerked from her thoughts when the excited yelling of Jar Jar from the other room. She let the charm fall back down on her chest, and she sat up properly. Padmé and Typho hadn't failed to notice the rather excited Gungan. "Lookie! Lookie! Desa jedi here! Oops! Oh, dear, I'm afraid I've forgotten myself again," Jar Jar cast a look down, and Kyra couldn't resist a slight laugh.

Padmé and Typho turned from the balcony as Obi-Wan and Anakin stopped before the Senator and her sister. Obi-Wan stepped forward while Anakin stared at Kyra. She had drastically changed since the last time they had seen one another, growing into the features that once were awkward on her. 

"It's a great pleasure to see you again, M'Lady," Obi-Wan greeted his old friend with a sincere smile. Kyra diverted her eyes from Anakin to give Master Kenobi a smile.

"It has been far too long Master Kenobi. I'm so glad our paths have crossed again, but I must warn you that we think your presence here is unnecessary," Padmé stated, gestured to herself and her sister beside her.

"I'm sure the Jedi Council have their reasons," Obi-Wan reasoned with a small nod.

"Hello, Anakin," she greeted Obi-Wan's Padawan quickly before returning her eyes to Obi-Wan.

"Ani?" Kyra acknowledged the Padawan like she hadn't been watching him since he stepped into the room. "My goodness you've grown," she commented, and she swore she almost could have seen him blush at her words. They each shared a look at each other for a long moment.

"So have you, grown more beautiful, I mean... and much shorter... for a Jedi Knight, I mean," Anakin attempted to be smooth to the childhood crush that stood before him once more. Obi-Wan looked disapprovingly at his apprentice with a small shake of his head. Kyra let out a slight airy laugh and shook her head.

"Oh Ani, you'll always be that little boy I knew on Tatooine," Kyra laughed with a small smile. Embarrassed by Kyra's reaction, he looked down to the floor. Obi-Wan and captain Typho smiled.

"Our presence will be invisible, M'Lady," the Jedi Knight assured the two sisters who were still skeptical on the whole idea.

"I am very grateful you are here, Master Kenobi. The situation is more dangerous than the Senator and Kyra will admit," Typho commented.

"We don't need more security, we need answers. I want to know who is trying to kill us," Padmé added, frustrated that they refused to listen to her.

"We're here to protect you both, Senator, not to start an investigation," Obi-Wan frowned.

"We will find out who is trying to kill you Padmé, and you, Kyra. I promise you," Anakin assured them both, though he kept flickering between looking at Padme and focusing back on Kyra.

He had done it again. He bit his lip in frustration and shame. Obi-Wan gave Anakin a dirty look.
"We are not going to exceed our mandate, my young Padawan learner," Obi-Wan instructed him.

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