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"Adrikins!" Chloe yelled from across the courtyard pushing Marinette out of the way as she was walking up to Adrien. "You did great on your last game. I have a treat for you for winning!"

"Uhm thank Chlo but I'll have to decline. I'm spending my win with Marinette." Adrien smiled and helped Marinette up. "You okay that was quite a fall."

"Yeah I'm fine. Let's just get to class." Marinette smiled and they walked to class. They sat next to each other since Nino won't move back.

"You sure your okay?" 'She doesn't look okay. She looks hurt but not in the physical way' Adrien sighed in his head.

"Yeah I'm fine. Promise."  Marinette smiled and Adrien smiled back.  She didn't pay attention in class and at lunch she payed even less attention.

"Marinette you with me?" Adrien laughed as he brought Marinette back to earth.

"Yeah sorry I was just thinking." Marinette smiled.

"A dollar for your thoughts." Adrien laughed as he took out a dollar.

"Fine."  She took the dollar. "I was thinking about us. I feel like you don't really like me." 'I know he doesn't' Marinette thought.

"Of course I love you and stop thinking that. You are perfect and I couldn't be happier that I'm with you." Adrien cupped her cheek and kissed her forehead. All of these actions were genuine.  "Don't think any less of my love for you."

"Okay. I love you Adrien."

"I love you Marinette."  He kissed her forehead again and they walked back to the school. After school Adrien had practice again but it was canceled due to rain. "Wanna walk around?"

"Sure."  Marinette smiled and they walked around Paris.  They stopped and looked at the Eiffel Tower.  "I'm starting to get cold."  Marinette shivered.

"Here take my jacket." Adrien held the umbrella over her head as he took his jacket off with his teeth. He draped it over her shoulders and he held the umbrella over both of them. "Better?"

"Yeah." Marinette sighed.

"Hey what's wrong?" Marinette looked away and sniffled. "Marinette what's wrong?" He grabbed her chin and gently turned her head towards him and reviled that she was crying. "Marinette please don't cry."

"I I'm sorry it's just Chloe she said that-"

Adrien pulled her into a hug with his free hand. "I don't care what Chloe thinks or says. I care about what you think or say. If she's why your crying I will literally kill her." 'I mean it. I will Marinette'

Marinettes eyes widened. He would kill her if she says so.  "No. I mean yeah she's why I'm crying but don't kill her." Marinette pulled away.

"Well don't cry." Adrien wiped away tears on her cheeks. "It looks like your eyes are draining of color and I like your eyes. They remind me of when the sky met the sea."

"Okay." Marinette laughed and they continued walking. They walked into a coffee shop and Adrien paid for their drinks. They sat at a booth and Marinette looked out the window watching the rain go down it. Their coffee came and she stared deep into the cup.

"Are you sure your okay?" Adrien held her hand on the table. "You keep staring off into space."

"Yeah I'm fine just distracted." Marinette smiled.

"If your thinking about our relationship and having doubts stop. I love you and no one else." 'Well Ladybug but that's besides the point' Marinette bit her lip and looked everywhere but him. "Marinette if you want to break up we-"

"No I don't want that I'm just thinking to much. Honest." Marinette smiled.

"Okay." Adrien smiled back. After they drank their coffee Adrien walked her home and then went to his.

"She got you around her little finger." Plagg laughed as soon as Adrien made it to his room.

"It's a spell. For the last time it's a spell." Adrien sighed and fell back on his bed.

"Say what you want. I don't think it's a spell anymore." Plagg laughed and ate his cheese.

"I say it is. I see her as a friend nothing else Plagg." Adrien sighed and Plagg snickered. Adrien got up and did his homework before heading to bed where he felt all eyes on him and felt smothered.

"Marinette don't you think he would love you by now?" Tikki asked as Marinette hugged the doll.

"No. I know he wouldn't. If he did then I wouldn't need the dolls anymore!" Marinette yelled as its arm started to tear and Adrien yelled out in pain. "Oh no!" Marinette unstitched the hair and transferred it to her fourth doll. She said the chant and Adrien Agreste was written on its stomach again. "That was close."

"Marinette don't you see that your hurting him." Tikki pleaded. "Please stop this."

"You don't understand Tikki. I've loved him and he never gave me a second look and now he is and then a third and a fourth and a fifth and I don't want this feeling to go away."

"But Marinette you're hurting him. Every time a doll rips he experienced unbearable amounts of pain. Doesn't that matter more then your feelings?"

"Of course his life matters more then mine. He's rich and famous and a somebody while I'm nothing."

"Thats not what I meant."

"Just I'm tired. I'm going to bed." Marinette put the doll away and got into her pajamas. She took out her hair and crawled into bed. "He will love me." She said before drifting off to sleep while Adrien couldn't.

"Kid what was that!" Plagg yelled as Adrien held his arm.

"I I don't know my arm just felt like it was being ripped off." Adrien swung his arm back and forth and felt no pain. "It's gone now."

"Well now I can't sleep. You could be cursed or something."

"What if it's a love curse? It kinda makes sense. I've never looked at her without feeling something and then now I'm being cursed for not loving her like a should."

"But you feel nothing for her."

"Well I felt a small thing but my heart belongs to Ladybug." Adrien closed his eyes and imagined Ladybug but was greeted with Marinette instead. "Wait what if Marinette is Ladybug?" He imagined her in a spotted suit with a yo-yo. He added a red mask and opened his eyes. "Plagg Marinettes Ladybug."

"Bout time you figured it out." Plagg ate his Camembert and sat on Adrien chest.

"You knew?"

"Only for like two weeks after her Kwami came into your bag thinking it was hers."

"Oh why didn't you tell me?"

"You guys have to figure it out for yourselves." Plagg yawned and fell asleep on Adriens chest.

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