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Marinette sighed as she walked to school. It's been a month since she last had a full conversation with Adrien and two hours without Chloe humiliating her. "Cheer up Marinette he just hasn't noticed you yet."  Tikki said trying to comfort her.

"Yeah and that's what I'm done with. Especially Chloe." Marinette gritted her teeth as she walked into the school. She stopped when there was a blood curling shriek coming from the courtyard. "Speak of the devil." Marinette mumbled under her breath. She continued walking inside to find Chloe having her arms wrapped around Adriens neck looking like she was chocking him.

"Oh look someone dropped there trash." Chloe laughed as she tripped Marinette. Marinette fell to her knees and caught herself before she face planted into the ground. she picked herself up and walked to class where she found her best friend Alya.

"Morning Girl." Alya smiled as Marinette took her seat next to her.

"Morning." Marinette yawned as the bell rang and the rest of the class filed in. A few minutes later Ms.Bustier walked in. She came in with a big smile like usual.

"Good morning class." Ms.Bustier smiled. A few people said good morning back. "Please turn to page 26 so we can continue our lesson from yesterday." Everyone turned to page 26 and read along with Ms.Bustier until the bell rang. Marinettes classes flew by fast and before she knew it it was lunch.

"Adrikins!" Chloe yelled from across the courtyard. "They have football try outs today. You should join."

"You know I don't like sports Chloe." Adrien said as he tried to push the blonde off of him.

"Only one season. Pretty please I wanna see you play." Chloe pouted.

"Fine but I'm not going to enjoy it." Adrien gave up and Chloe dragged him to the stadium where tryouts were. Adrien got on the team when they were done. At the end of the day Marinette had had enough and took the long route home.

A car drove by as Marinette dragged her feet home and it started raining. "Great. Just my luck." Marinette put her hood on and continued walking when another car drove by and splashed a puddle of mucky water onto Marinettes clothes. "Seriously!" Marinette yelled as she looked for a store to go into to dry off. There were no stores. Marinette slouched and continued walking.

"Oh my dear child. Come here your wet. Come come my shop is just around the corner." An old woman said as she grabbed Marinettes hand and lead her to the store. Marinette walked in and was greeted with the smell of old books.

"I've never seen this shop before." Marinette said as she walked around the store and took a book off the shelf.

"It's only seen when people are desperate for something." The old woman said as she came back with tea. Marinette took a cup from her. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

"How do you know my name?" Marinette asked as she put the book back.

"My name is Madame Buscania and the shop sense your cry for help. Asking for love from a boy that ignores you and for a girl to stop bullying you. Am I right?"

"Yes but that makes no sense." Marinette sat down at the counter. "How do you know this?"

"The shop of course." Madame Buscania walked over to a bookshelf and took a book off of its shelf. "You want this boy to love you but he shows no signs of feeling the same yes?"

"Yes but-"

"I have just the thing for you." Madame Buscania Walked over to Marinette and hand her the book.

"Voodoo Dolls? Uhm no your weird and I'm leaving." Marinette gave her the book back and started walking to the door.

"All you need is a single hair off of his head and to put it in this doll and he will love you as long as the hair stays intact." Madame Buscania said and Marinette turned around. "I will give you these tools but for a price dear."

"What's your price?" Marinette eased herself back to the counter.

"When he learns to love you without the use of the doll give me your earrings."

"I I can't do that. Can you name something else."

"Well then I guess it would have to be your soul or will to live but those are more valuble then earrings."

"But these were a gift and I haven't taken them off since I got them." Marinette held her ear.

"Ah yes I guess that would be to much to ask for Paris' own superhero." Madame Buscania smiled. "When he learns to love you without the use of the doll come back here and carry me. carry me up the Eiffel Tower so I can see the view."

"Deal." Marinette smirked and Madame Buscania gave her the book and ten dolls. "Why do I need ten?"

"They tend to rip so if one starts to rip you need to immediately move the hair into another doll. Otherwise they will endear great amounts of pain. If the last doll starts to rip come here and I'll give you more."

"Okay thank you." Marinette smiled and ran out of the store and back home. She got home and closed her trapdoor and locked it. She sat at her desk and opened and read the book.

"Marinette you do know your dealing with black magic." Tikki pleaded.

"But it's magic to make Adrien love me. What more could I want." Marinette squealed and flipped the page. "Found it."

Voodoo Dolls: Love

Take one hair from the person you want to love you
Put it on the head of the doll

Falling in love is so easy to do
I fell for you right out of the blue
Hearing your voice and seeing your smile
You stole my heart and I just went wild

Falling for you was easy to do
But you do not feel the same, that I knew
And I know that in just awhile
I'll be the reason behind your smile


After you say this the person who you did this to will love you
They will know what they're doing but cannot stop it
Unless the person they truly love kisses them

"Well I better start." Marinette smiled and hid the book and dolls where Tikki wouldn't even think to look.

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