Chapter Ten

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Jamie and I run into drama class just as the bell rings. We quickly find our seats and begin to listen to Ms. Taylor explain the lesson.

“Now class, today we will be working in groups of five. Each group will present a tableau consisting of at least five slides. Your tableau needs to clearly depict a battle scene in a major war. I understand this is not history class, so I will be supplying laptops for those who need to research the topic further. Any questions.”

When no one responded, she told us to begin. Jamie and I looked at one another, each thinking the same thing: How will we find three more group members? My eyes scan through the class. I watch as three groups of five are already forming. I also see Jacob and his friends struggling to eliminate one of the six people to form a group of five. He catches me staring then quickly mumbles something to his friends and walks toward me.

“Hey Sheldon, mind if I be in your group?” he asks. I watch as Jamie’s jaw slightly opens and struggle to respond.

 “Uh-huh.. I mea- yeah sure.” I awkwardly say. The idea of Jacob – one of the more popular kids – willingly asking to join Jamie and I with no ulterior motive (I hope), is  almost unbelievable. He sits down next to me and glances around the classroom.

 “So we still need two more people, right?” he asks.

 “Yeah” I reply. I look over at Jamie.

 “Any ideas?” I ask. She glances toward Logan and Joseph – the two other outcasts – who appear to be uncomfortably shuffling around in the corner, waiting for someone to approach them. Once they turn our way, we gesture for them to come over.

 “Okay, now we have five members” I state. “We should decide on a  war before choosing the battle.”

 “How about World War Two?” Joseph asks.

 “Nah, I heard two other groups talking about that. Let’s try doing something a bit more unique” replies Jacob.

 “World War One?” says Logan.

 “Everyone okay with that?” asks Jacob. Everyone nods in response. We use the same process to figure out which battle to choose, and end up deciding on the Battle of Vimy Ridge. I explain the main points of the battle and we assign each other roles. Once the bell rings, Ms Taylor quickly announces that we will only have ten minutes tomorrow to practice.

Jamie and I say our goodbyes as we each walk towards our least favourite class of the day: gym. Jamie heads to the gym on the other side of the school while I enter through the doors to the large gym in front of me. I mentally prepare myself for the torture dodge ball will bring me today.

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