Chapter Three

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     Suddenly, I feel self conscious. Who wouldn’t when standing in front of an audience of five hundred. They must think I'm new, I haven't heard anyone say my name yet. My heart is loudly pounding and I can feel myself shaking slightly. I decide to keep my mouth shut and try my best to exhibit confidence. I walk carefully, one foot in front of another, left foot, right foot, left foot. I find that many eyes have now turned away and continued conversations with their friends, but a few are still locked on me. Just then, I hear the ringing of the bell and everyone rushes to class. Great timing, I think to myself. I could not have been happier, I wasn’t sure I would have been able to deal with being singled out like that. As I walk to class, I’m having mixed feelings about my goals for this year, maybe they were too unrealistic. I definitely need this day to go well... or at least better than usual.

     I hear the shrill of the second bell just as I walk into drama class. I couldn’t have asked for a better subject to start with, since drama is a class mainly based on socializing. I sit down in my usual seat, ready to start an unusual day. My teacher, Ms. Taylor, walks in greeting us “Good morning class, I hope you’re all ready to start!” I participate in the class’s groaning response. Ms. Taylor continues “Today we will start off with our regular exercises, everyone get into pairs, and make sure you work with someone you have not worked with yet!” I am determined to find a partner rather than work alone today, like I do every other day. I quickly examine the class. I consider my possibilities – Joseph, Logan, or Jamie – who are each outcasts, same as me. At that moment, I saly watch as Joseph and Logan immediately pair together, which only leaves Jamie Carter. I hastily hurry over before I lose my opportunity.

          It would have made sense for me and Jamie to have been friends - us both being outcasts and all. Yet, we'd never even had a conversations before. We each just acknowledged each other's existence and left it at that. Jamie was just slightly shorter than me which made me glad as I had always been self-conscious of my short height. I am only about 5 feet, five inches tall while Jamie is roughly an inch or two shorter. She has long brown hair and green eyes. Jamie is actually very pretty, so at first, you'd never think she had trouble fitting in. However, she is very shy and kept to herself, like me. Neither of us had great social skills, making it especially hard to make friends. Hopefully, we'd be better with that, knowing that we were both outcasts.

     “Hey Jamie, would you mind being my partner?”, I mumble. She nods slightly and we make our way over to an empty table. I feel confident about how well my plan has started to fall into place.

Ms. Taylor steps forwards. “Now class, since each of you have found partners whom you have not yet worked with, I would like you each to play the 'two truths, one lie' game with your partners. You all know how it goes, just think of two truths which best describe you and one realistic lie. Remember, the purpose of this game is to share new things and learn to trust new people. Let’s get started, shall we?”

 I turn to Jamie who seems to be staring at her feet. “Do you want to go first?” I ask.

“No, I’d rather you start.”

“Okay!” I cheerfully reply. Let’s see, two truths and a lie. Well one thing about me is I’ve never gotten anything less than an A.. but I need a fresh start from my nerdy personality so let’s not say that. Something simple.. I like watching movies and I have a pet turtle. A lie could be that I love coconut – I truly cannot stand that stuff, it’s repulsive. I tell her my two truths and lie and patiently watch her thinking.

“Well, I hope your love for coconut is the lie since I’m allergic to it”, she states, smiling slightly.

I laugh. “You're right, don’t worry, I definitely won’t be bringing any coconut to school.”

“So what’s your turtle’s name?” she says, it seems as though she is truly interested.

“I named him Bowser, after the Mario character.”

“That’s cool” she says “I only ask because I just recently got one as well, but the best name I could think of was ‘Yurtle’.” I laugh again.

    Jamie takes her turn and I find out she loves books, spent the summer backpacking all over Europe with her family, and does not like pistachio flavoured ice cream. A few minutes after we’ve finished, Ms. Taylor tells us that she has a recording of the Broadway production of Wicked she wants us to watch. During the movie, I spend most of the time talking to Jamie about her trip to Europe. Once the bell rings I feel a mixture of both excitement and fear. I am beyond excited that I've finally made a friend in my class, or at least close to one. However, now I’m terrified that I have gym next. Since gym is separated for boys and girls, I will not be able to talk to Jamie. That means I’ll need to make a new friend – and soon – otherwise I’ll be the target for our next game of dodge ball.

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