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If you're familiar with Graceland, then you're probably confused as to what the heck is up with this story. One chapter is awesomely written, and then BAM. Long chapters with song lyrics. I am in the middle of editing Graceland so it could live up to its full potential, which includes some new plot points, less lyrics, more text, and overall better grammar and stuff. When this task is complete, I will change the text in this A/N so it could have the usual stuff, like "I do not own the rights of Glee," "All Rights Reserved," etc. 

And guys. Copyright © 2013. As in, if you repost this story ANYWHERE without permission AND without giving me credit...I will find you, and I will destroy you.






Well...I'll kindly ask you to take it down and then report you if you refuse to, but you will never want to plagarize/STEAL ever again. Same thing.

One last thing. I want to thank the FanFic account for putting my story in their Glee list. It is honestly an honor. Despite everything this website needs to improve on coughthenewprofilelayoutcough, I'm happy about this. So thanks, Wattpad. I guess. In this, I also want to thank ALL OF MY READERS for voting, commenting, and joining me on this journey. Y'all are what kept me writing this. 

You are all awesome. Never forget that. :)

Peace, Love, & Penguins •-•
~Rosie :)

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