Chapter 6: An Unsuccessful Proposal

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Climbing into the Taxi Cab's back seat, immediately getting a whiff of its cheap vinyl, I glanced over at Brynn as I closed the door behind us. Her eyes sparkled like hazel diamonds, anticipating what my so-called surprise could be. I didn't say much, knowing how easy it was to slip the details before ever leaving the hotel room.

"18 West 18th Street please." I announced.

"Aren't you going to give me a little hint?" her eyes narrowed.

"Just wait. You'll see."

Soon our driver pulled up in front of the shop. By opening the car door, you were instantly greeted with the scent of cookies and cake. Holding Brynn's hand we walked up to the window, gawking at the rows of colorful goodies screaming at my sweet-tooth.

"Are we going to grab a few treats here?"

"Even better." Smiling, I opened the door.

The air, once inside, was that much sweeter. It was so strong, you could taste it. Catching sight of one of the bakers, I politely waved knowing she was the person I talked with earlier.

"Welcome to Cupcake Café. You wouldn't happen to be Aaron would you?" The older woman came from around the counter.

"Yes, Ma'am…and this is Brynn, the aspiring pastry artist."

"Ooh I like that introduction." Brynn smiled back.

"Hello, I'm Michelle. So Aaron tells me that you want to open your own café some day?"

"Yes well, a dream for now..." Her shoulders shrugged.

"Well, Ann Warren opened this café back in 1988, and like all businesses it takes a little while. But her amazing skills, artistic background and education made her pastries standout from the rest. So you have to think, how will your business and taste be unique?"

Shaking her head, Brynn's eyes were roaming across the room, from the display cases to the handwritten menu boards behind the register.

"Michelle agreed to have a one on one session with you." I added.

Brynn stood taller and eyes wider while squeezing my hand in quiet excitement.

"Yes, I'll be teaching you some of our signature techniques. Not focusing so much on the realistic but artistic touch. And other decorating tips."

"Oh this is amazing!" Turning towards me, Brynn gave me a short yet powerful hug.

"I'll see you ladies later then." Walking outside, all I had left to do was wait.

Strolling down the street, people watching and fiddling with Brynn's engagement ring in my pocket, hoping nothing would go wrong. Replaying the phone conversation I had with Michelle earlier, we arranged for her to have a previously made cake with the words "Will You Marry Me?" frosted on top. Then Brynn would be asked to observe the window display as she would showcase the cake they'd made together, while I'd kneel behind her waiting for her to turn around.

Seemed easy enough but I couldn't get rid of this gut-wrenching feeling. Interrupted by a text alert, which I assumed was Michelle, my head jerked back. A picture of Brynn popped on my phone's screen, taken from the side row during the conference, leaving me wondering who had shot it. Certain it wasn't me. The number was unknown and there was no message below.

Maybe it was a friend of mine that had forgotten to add a comment. I took a closer look. Brynn had an amused gaze, attentive eyes and satisfying grin; proving that I had to be giving my presentation at that moment. My watch read close to noon, meaning it was time to head back to the shop.

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