Chapter 10: You Don't Remember Me

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It started with my throat, then my mouth. The taste was stale and my tongue like a dry sponge. Little did I know that was the least of my worries. Sounds faded in and out, some dull, some sharp. Voices stood in separate directions and decibels. Male and female. Definition came gradually, but ache paralyzed my entire body with no strength to move or open my eyes yet.

My sense of smell kicked in, sterile and plastic at the same time; I searched for another scent I might recognize. The beeps by my left ear switched to an alarm, like needles to my eardrum, disrupting any chance of a subtle awakening. Commotion shook my bed as they called for a doctor. Eyes still trapped under a lethargic curse, I couldn't distinguish all the voices. I couldn't wake up.


"Oh my God!"

"I think he's waking up"

"Aaron, it's mom. I'm here." A hand touched me.

"Aaron, Son, can you hear us?"

"Thank God!"

They kept praising and saying my name. Sighs echoed in the room. Cold metal pressed against my chest as more hands squeezed my arms, my legs and feet. I felt them all. Those were good signs.

"His toes are moving!"

"Will he wake up this time, it's been ten months?"

"Can I have everyone except Mr. and Mrs. Shields leave the room, please."

Footsteps shuffled further while hands continued to tug at my body. I kept pushing, fighting to get up. It wasn't sleep paralysis but I could barely move and I was desperate to communicate. I was desperate to know why I was there. But I drifted instead.


The calm signal of the heart monitor pulled me out and my eyes slit open. The light hurt. It took several attempts before I could handle the brightness. It was quiet unlike the last time. Air filled my chest and deflated slowly. Something sat under my nose, leaking cool air upward. I found the plastic scent. Unable to roll my head just yet, I observed the room. I never felt this weak, this limp. Then I caught sight of all the flowers, balloons, and signs. And the woman asleep in the chair.

I stared. That's all I could do. My efforts to speak came out as exhales, it required too much of me. Saliva increased, I never thought I'd be thankful for that. Breathing became less of a struggle. I don't know how much time went by before the woman woke up and sprung out of the chair.

She held a hand over her mouth but her eyes were overcome with emotion. "Hi, Sweetheart. It's mom."

Her fingers touched my cheek as she reached by my bed. Her voice soothed like a mother's would. She hesitated on where else to touch me, leaving her hand over mine. Another woman in scrubs rushed in with a cart, followed by a white coat. Either they walked  fast or my vision had trouble keeping up. Eyes rolled and I felt sleep come again.


Conscious again but too tired to awaken, there's men talking a few feet away, discussing my condition.

"How long till he recovers from this coma, Doctor?"

"It varies with each patient, Mr. Shields. With Aaron's severe brain injury, and time in comatose, we are looking at months or years of intensive physiotherapy, occupational therapy and rehabilitation. If he wakes up, we still need to keep him under strict observation."

"What about his memory? Will he remember us?"

"It's hard to say. There's been few cases where patient's memories have remained intact. I'm afraid that might not be the case with your son. We're expecting his Post-Traumatic Amnesia to linger anywhere between 4-12 weeks. But that's a hard guess."

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