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A week had passed and I still hadn't heard anything from Jungkook.

What worried me most was the fact that Jungkook seemed so passionate about learning English, but lately, he had been ditching on all the tutoring lessons.

This couldn't possibly be because of what happened last week... could it?

I entered into the BigHit building, keeping my head down, hoping no one would notice me. I really didn't feel like talking today.

I entered in the elevator, pressed the third floor button and leaned back, somehow hoping that this day will be over quickly so I could go home and mope.

The doors opened, and I was greeted with a tall figure, Namjoon.

"Hey Brin." His face lit up like a Christmas tree as he took in my presence. He suddenly frowned as he glanced at my very prominent undereye bags as I had not gotten the best amount of sleep for the past while.

"Are you alright?" He asked quietly, his face looking genuinely concerned.

And that was when I lost it.

I completely broke down in loud sobs as I finally released what I had been holding in for the past week.

I felt like everyone had been asking me if I was doing alright, and I had to plaster a fake smile and say that I was okay, but I really wasn't fine at all.

Since Namjoon would be the most understanding because he knew my language and signals the best, I started to confide into him.

"It's just that I-" I was stopped by another round of hiccuping cries as Namjoon rubbed my back in tiny circles.

"It's okay, Brinley. You can tell me what's going on." Namjoon cooed, and his kind words made me want to cry even more, but I held it down.

I took a deep breath.

"I just don't know what to do. Jungkook has been avoiding me and it's making me really upset." Namjoons body tensed as soon as I said Jungkook.

He wrapped an arm around me as we continued down the hall.

My tears eventually came to a stop as we passed down several closed doors until Namjoon abruptly stopped walking.

"Namjoon?..." I asked as he pulled me back towards him.

"Let's just stand here." He said, smiling down at me, with an undertone of something different that I never heard in his voice before. I was confused as to why he would stand right in front of  a door and not keep walking, but I was too caught up in my problems to think anything of it.

"Okay..." I said hesitantly.

"So, what exactly is going on between you two?" Namjoon asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Well, I've been giving him private lessons and I think there's something there between us. I'm not sure what it is, and I know it sounds crazy because we don't even speak the same language but-" At this point I was blabbering on, and Namjoon cut me off.

"I get it. But I wouldn't even worry about it Brinley. It's probably nothing." Namjoon shook his head and smiled cooly.

"How do you know-"

"I've known Jungkook for a really long time now. And I know when he likes a girl. He doesn't like you in that way, Brinley."

My heart then shattered into a million pieces after he said that last sentence. It was like my world came crumbling down, and everything I thought he was doing was a lie, and only to use and manipulate me in some way.

I was caught out of my misery when I heard yelling and whisper soft cries on the other side of the wall, and something that sounded like glass breaking against tile floor.

Namjoons face turned as white as a ghost, and he quickly touched my shoulder, murmured an "I'm sorry," and slipped through the door to see what all the commotion was about.

Namjoon had left the door slightly open, and I tiptoed to the spot where the crack was visible, and put my eye closer to see.

All I saw was a puffy and red looking Jungkook with tear stains on his face, and a weirdly content looking Namjoon before I sprinted away.

I didn't care where I was going, I just needed to run.

As soon as I left the building, I knew that I couldn't go back.

I wasn't ready to face Jungkook yet.

Especially not after what had just happened.

So for my own sake, and for the boys sakes, I knew that I had to keep my distance from both Jungkook and Namjoon.

I called the manager from outside of the building and after listening to it ring several times, it finally went to voicemail.

I quickly left a message as I had figured that a big time manager most likely wouldn't have had time to answer my call anyways.

"Hi, this is Brinley McAdams and I'm calling in to say that I won't be tutoring today due to personal reasons. Thank you." I hung up and started making my way towards my apartment.

When I got to my apartment, I flopped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. 

I thought about if I should eat, since I didn't eat anything all day, but I couldn't even bring myself to do that.

All I wanted to do was sleep and never wake up.

I got up, only to slide into my covers and my eyes immediately began to grow heavy; my body almost falling into unconsciousness. I didn't bother even thinking about the day, simply because it was too much for me to process all at once and it didn't quite hit me yet.

Just as I was almost completely asleep, I heard a light knock on my door. 

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