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As Natsu started coming to his senses again after the train rit to Oshibana, his stomach started growling; and the old man had said that the food would be free so he could eat as much as he wanted, right?

He went down with Happy to the restaurant part of the inn and sat down at an empty table. As he was looking around, he suddenly noticed a certain waitress and started staring unconciously. "Natsu?  What are you looking at?", Happy asked him and Natsu shook his head "I know it's unpossible, and her smell is different too; but that waitress looks a whole lot like y/n... Nah, I should probably just get it out of my mind.", Natsu told himself as he waited for someone to take his order. He was kinda disappointed when it was not the waitress that looked like y/n but an other waitress that took his order. The food turned out delicious and before Natsu went to bed that night, he saw that girl again. She looked just like y/n. But it couldn't possiblyy be her; y/n was still in her own world and had no possible way to come to this world. He had only been transported to that world because of a spell, and with no magic in that world...

Natsu had often caught himself thinking that it might've been better if he had never just taken that job and read that spell out loud to himself. then he would've never been transported to that world and he would've never met y/n. That way he would've never fallen in love with someone he can neer see again and his heart wouldn't have been broken like this.

The girl walked up the stairs and into the hall where his room was too. She stopped at the room next to his and started searching for her key. Natsu fiddled with his key on purpose so he could catch her scent and maybe see her face but the girl never looked up even once as she searched her keys and entered her room. But Natsu had already confirmed that that girl wasn't y/n. Her scent didn't smell like y/n's scent at all. And he would never ever forget that smell again. He noticed that a hint of her scent smelled the same to him as y/n's scent did but Natsu figured it was just something about girls that smelled the same.

He went to bed early and didn't give himself much room to think about that cute waitress because he knew he would have to wake up early the next day for his quest and didn't wanted to be all to tired.

The next morning Natsu walked through the hall of the hotel while yawning and stretching his arms above his head and when he got downstairs for his breakfast with Happy, he saw that girl thanking the innkeeper for giving her a chance to work for him but that she really needed to go further on her adventure now. 'Too Bad' Natsu thought. If she would keep working here, that meant that he could come here more often for quests and look at that girl that looked so much like the girl he had once loved so dearly. And still loved with his whole heart. But he had never even  seen the face of this cute girl in the time he had been staying at this inn. She had never even once looked at him and most likely didn't even know that he had stayed in this inn.

y/n thanked the innkeeper one last time as she explained that she really needed to continue on her journey or she wouldn't get that chance to meet the person she was looking for all along, not knowing that he had stayed here in the same inn as her and had slept in the room right next to her and had been gazing at her for every possible moment.

She bent down one last time before saying goodbye and running out of the inn. She had earned some good money while staying at this inn and could now afford a train ticket to Magnolia. She would finally be getting the chance to meet up with Natsu again. She couldn't imagine how happy she would be, how happy he would be; if they were to be reunited.

She hurried to the train station and got Natsu's scarf out of my bag. Natsu still had hers too. She was now wearing the actual scarf Natsu had gotten from Igneel in the actual world where Natsu was raised by Igneel and where Natsu still lived.

y/n bought a train ticket to Magnolia and quickly boarded the train. She was so excited, she couldn't sit still. She had been waiting for this day ever since she had fallen in love with Natsu two years ago. She had wanted to meet him and join fairy tail and be a mage and live in Magnolia ever since she started watching the anime. And now all her dreams could suddenly become true. She was only one train rit away from her dreams. However she didn't know yet if she would possess magic power though. There had been nothing so far to indicate that fact so she could only hope for it. And if she would have magic powers, Natsu would definitely show her how to use them. 

When Natsu returned that evening from his quest he decided to pay for an extra night in the inn. He just collapsed on his bed when they had reached their room and fell into a deep sleep. He was completely drained from magic. Defeating the ice mages had been an easy job and hadn't cost him much time or magic but he found out that the ice mages had kidnapped a lot of people from this city and other villages in the surroundings and kept them frozen so they wouldn't have tha chance to escape. So Natsu had used almost everything of his remaining magic to melt the ice around the people and warm them back up.

While Natsu was sleeping, Happy decided he would contact the master to let him know they would only be back in Magnolia by tomorrow afternoon.
He took the lacrima Natsu had gotten from Warren for the two of them and rang up the guild

"Hello? Happy. How went the job.", Makarov asked

"Great! We got the reward and Natsu managed not to destroy anything. But we will be staying here for an other night; Natsu is low on magic power and he is currently sleeping.", Happy explained as he turned the lacrima so Makarov could see the sleeping boy.

"OK, I'll see you two tomorrow then.", the master said and the phone was hung up.

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