Greenwich And A Chance

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Four months had passed since Natsu had been brought back to his own world and it was now December. Christmas was coming closer and so where y/n's finals. She sighed as she thought about how close her finals were. Tomorrow was Friday. The last day of her free week and the day she had to start studying for Monday. Math. Yay! Not.

She listened as her history teacher was telling about beliefs in gods of space and time.
"People believed in the late eighteenth century that there was one place that could send you from one way to another.", he said and y/n looked up with newfound interest. If she could go to that place and travel from this world to Fairy tail's she could see Natsu again.
"Of course, it was just a myth and there is no such thing as another world or something that can send you there. However, in Greenwich, where the Place was told to be people believed in that place deeply and it was sacred ground. Now it is nothing more than a touristic visiting spot 'Greenwich, the town in between time and space'.". The bell rang and everyone took their stuff to leave for home. While she was in the bus she thought about it. Greenwich was on England. If she could go by Eurostar, her journey would last at least two hours. That wasn't too bad. She would ask her mom about it when she got home

"Mom. Is it okay if I go to Greenwich after my finals.", y/n bluntly asked while they were eating. "Why would you want to go to Greenwich?", her father asked. "I want to see 'the town in between time and space'.". This quickly led to a discussion between her and her parents but at last her parents agreed on something. We'll make a trip to England. Then you can go to Greenwich. But only if your grades on your finals are good enough.

Two weeks later

Y/n had finally reached the end of her finals and went home. Her grades weren't bad either. She was going to Greenwich, departing tomorrow. She couldn't wait.

The next day had arrived way too slowly for y/n but it was finally there. They boarded the train to England where they would stay for three days. Well, where y/n's family would stay three days. Y/n herself planned on going back to Fairy tail as soon as possible. If it was even possible. They had arrived in Greenwich around noon and checked in in the hotel before going out to the city for food.

After everyone had eaten together they parted ways. Y/n's brother was the only one who knew of her plans so he could inform her parents what had happened if she wouldn't return this evening or any evening while on this vacation.
Y/n ran off. She wanted to go to Natsu, to Fairy tail as quickly as possible. When she had arrived at the Place that was the center of time and space she looked around for clues. Anything that could tell her a way to get to that world.

In fiore

Natsu felt something. He didn't knew what but he felt something. It didn't really bother him though. Just like nothing had really bothered him the last four months. He missed y/n. He knew this would happen, still he let his Guafd down and fell in love with the Girl that didn't excist in this world. No one believed him because her world didn't excist. He couldn't prove he had been there. The only prove was the scarf. It wasn't his Scarf, it was the one that y/n had. An exact copy of his. But it smelt different. That was why Gajeel and Wendy believed him.

Now he felt something like a disturbance in magic or something and he could just feel something was off. The other dragon slayers and strong makes seemed a bit on the edge too. They could feel it too.

Master Makarov had called him to his office. "Natsu. Is this your doing? This disturbance in the flow of magic.", he asked the pinkette. Natsu shook his head. "I don't know anything about this.", Natsu answered the old man that was standing on his table so he was about Natsu's height now. "Are you sure. It feels like a portal is opening somewhere soon. You've been obsessing about this girl in that other world for a while now."

Y/n grabbed natsu's scarf tighter in her hand as she thought everything over again. She had spent the whole afternoon searching for clues. Something. Anything. Eventually she had found the old myth that was told about this place. That you could travel through worlds when the full moon was on the highest point, around one o' clock, if you had a wish that was strong enough. Luckily it was a full moon tonight. She had returned, sneaked out of the hotel and reached Greenwich again. She gripped the scarf tightly as she wished for going to that world.
As she wished for her biggest dreams to come true.

The clock ticked closer to one and the red ball on the tower started to raise. The moon had reached its highest point when suddenly the clock said one and the ball dropped. Y/n wished for it.

Going to Fairy tail
Going to Natsu
Being happy with him again
This time in a world we both feel at home in.

A light engulfed her and when she opened her eyes again she was in a forest. Completely unknown for her. She would have to find a city and find out where she was.

For now she decided to climb up a tree and try to get some rest. She would go further at dawn.

The next day the disturbance on the flow of magic had stopped and the little hope Makarov had given Natsu of y/n coming to this world had disappeared. Happy tried to cheer up Natsu but nothing worked. "Is this how it feels to lose a mate?", he asked himself. If so, he never wanted to fall in love again. Just for this feeling if he were to ever lose them.

Y/n had finally reached a city. She saw a shopkeeper who was selling vegetables and walked up to him "Look at this nice lady. What can I do for you?", he asked. Y/n glanced around his shop. No magic, no lacrima's. What if this wasn't the world she had wished for. Maybe she was telephoned to Edolas. To the wrong Natsu.

"Am I in Fiore?"

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