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Natsu's pov

When I opened my eyes again I saw trees and bushes. I decided to walk further and saw a board saying Magnolia. "That's weird.", I said as I scanned my surroundings. I don't recognize anything. When I was walking down the street, I saw people staring at me and they were talking about me "Hey. What's with that boy. Look at his clothes." "And that hair." "His body is godlike though.". I had to stop myself from attacking them but kept walking. I decided I would have to ask someone. I stopped walking and walked up to a random door. The house number was 60 and it said l/n. I knocked the door and a somewhat older woman opened. "Oh hello can I help you?", she asked and a boy from around Wendy's age. He looked weird at me "Oi y/n!", he yelled. "Your boyfriend is here!", he yelled and a girl's voice answered while running of the stairs "I don't  have a...", she stopped talking when she saw me.

She collapsed and I rushed to her catching her. I put her down on the couch and her brother asked "Are you really Natsu Dragneel?".
"How do you know my name? Where am I? What is all this?", I was confused.

The Girl had waken up by now and said "I'll explain everything. Mom. He can stay, right?" "Sure.", her mom said.

She grabbed my arm and looked at me before pulling me with her upstairs. She pulled me into her room, which I supposed was her room and locked the door.
I sat down on the bed, my sandals on the floor, with a bit of a frightened look.

"Why do you know me? Where am I? What in the world happened?".

Y/n's pov

He looked... frightened. I sat down next to him
"I know about you because in this world you guys are... an anime."
Natsu was walking through my room looking at all my stuff. He looked at my Natsu figurine. "Is this... me?", he said looking at me "And why do you have exact the same scarf as me."

Natsu's pov

What was all this
"Here.", she said as she put a weird disc thing into a machine. When the screen lighted up I saw me, Happy, Erza, Gray and Lucy. My hand reached for the screen and touched our faces. "Minna..."
"Your life is a show in my world. Made for entertainment."
This shocked me. "for your entertainment.". She didn't seem like someone who would laugh at other people's suffering. "You laugh at our pain?"
"No! Well... Not me. When you guys are in a pain. I... I cried. I smiled. You... Always made me smile."
I was taken back by this "and all this stuff?", I asked. This is merchandise. They make it specially for people like me who like fairy tail very much.". I mouthed a simply oh.

"You! You need to help me. Please help me get back home. I want to go back to my friends. I miss Happy.",I said. She reached behind her and pulled out a Happy pluche like they sell at the store in the guild. She gave the pluche to me and I hugged it. "I wanna go home."

Intertwined #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now