Steamed Potatoes

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The short walk from the bus stop to my house seemed to last longer then usual. Too long. It was silent and neither of us didn't seem like planning to say something. Natsu didn't seem to mind this, though.

As I was searching the key to unlock the door Natsu proposed to cook dinner. "How about I cook you dinner to thank you for everything you've done for me so far?". "Sure. Are you sure you can do it without the house catching on fire?", I asked because I knew that if the house would catch on fire, I would have a whole lot to explain to my parents.

Natsu nodded and I showed him where everything was to cook. I sat down at the kitchen table and looked as Natsu as he started cutting vegetables and potatoes. "You sure you don't need any help?", I asked and Natsu shook his head "I can cook too, you know. I cooked more often back in my world."

I smiled softly and watched as Natsu started steaming the potatoes and baking the meat and vegetables.

Natsu's pov

I was cooking when suddenly y/n got up and walked right into my chest. She was hugging me and my hands got down so I could hug her too. "Hey, y/n? What's gotten into you so suddenly?", I asked and she hummed "Just let me cuddle you a bit." so I let her hug me. I truly fell in love with this girl over the past few days. But I'll need to return to my world once. And when that day comes... I will never see her again.


"Levy! Is everything ready?" "Yes master. The lacrima's are all placed and charged with magical power.", Levy answered as she scribbled down a few more notes.

"Erza, Gray. Are you guys ready. We'll be needing a while lot of magical power to open that portal and keep it open long enough."
"Yes master." "Don't underestimate us gramps."

"I know Gray. I trust the two of you and you two know Natsu the longest. If something should go wrong I will trust in your decisions."
"I know. We will do whatever we can.", Erza said and got onto her place. Gray moved to his place too and Levy wrote down some last runes. When she nodded Makarov gave the sign to start.

The lacrimas started glowing and Gray and Erza started to sent magic to the growing portal.


I place my thumb under y/n's chin and moved her head up so she was now looking straight into my eyes. I never took a good look at her eyes, they were a beautiful (eye colour) colour and... Wow.

Y/n's pov

Natsu was staring at my eyes. Suddenly he leaned forwards "N-Natsu...", I said. I knew what was gonna happen and I knew I wanted it. I had imagined about this for so long. And now it was gonna happen. He leaned in closer. And closer. And closer. "Natsu! You, you're sparkling."

Natsu pulled back in a shock and realized that he was sparkling.
As I looked closer I noticed it weren't just sparkles coming off his body. Little fragments of his body were just changing into thin air.

This process was going slowly at first, but faster and faster after a few minutes. "Natsu. What is happening?", I asked. I was scared. "I... I think they tracked me down. I'm being sent back to Fairy tail."

Natsu's pov

I knew this feeling so well. This was pure magic flowing through my body. It felt a bit like Mest's teleportation magic. My body was being transported back to Earthland.

Drops of water had formed in y/n's eyes. She was crying. I can understand that too. She had loved me for two years, ignoring the fact that I am fictional in this world and now I was here and she could finally love me. I fell in love somewhere along the way too. And now I was being sent back. I would never see her again.

I would never see the one I love again...

The lower half of my body had already disappeared and I knew that if I wanted to say something it had to be quick.

"I'll come back... You still have my scarf.", I told her and my hand wiped away her tears. I leaned in and when my lips were almost touching her, everything went black

You found yourself a nice boyfriend y/n...

Y/n's pov

Natsu had disappeared. I fell on my knees, unable to hold in my tears anymore. I smelled the scent of burnt food throughout the whole kitchen and those potatoes that once we're so delicious... Were now steamed to bits. Just like my heart...


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