Chapter One: Love Just Doesn't Exist

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I can't say Isabelle and I are best of friends because that would be a lie. I never really been friends with Isabelle. Despite growing up together in the same town and attending the same school we've rarely had much to talk about.

In school we were nothing alike, the opposite actually, when she was more popular and liked while I was the loner keeping to myself. I was invisible for the most part for years. She barely knew my name despite my father and her's being friends. Our family coming to an agreement to keep the peace between the rabbits and the werewolves doesn't mean Isabelle and I are remotely close to friends. We only talked a little because of our families knowing each other and the fact I was with Roman.

Though I think now we do have something in common. We both are no longer with the one we thought we would be with forever. Roman took off, rejected me recently while Isabelle parted ways with Drew after he tried to kill me.

I don't think she wanted to have to end the relationship with Drew who was destined to be her mate, her other half. She loved him and he loved her but she had to choose family or love. Her father, Oliver, didn't want Drew and his father to remain living here. Oliver wanted them gone. Banished from the pack and not allowed to return because to him what was done was wrong. My father wanted worse then letting Drew leave but Oliver thought forcing them to leave was enough punishment.

Isabelle could have left with Drew, leave her family and pack to be with him but she didn't. She stayed while I moved away with my dad to be with Roman for the rest of high school. And through the years I hadn't heard much about her. I haven't talked to her until recently this summer having moved back with my father.

She approached me stopping by to visit and catch up. The conversation we had was short but friendly. I learned all about what had gone on with everyone we went to school with. I learned more than I wanted or needed to know actually. What I mostly got out of talking to her was she's happy. She recently met another werewolf from another pack and even though they aren't mates they want to be together. They love each other and it didn't take long for them to get engaged and decide to throw a party at her father's house.

So here I am standing here awkwardly against the wall invisible to everyone inside the house. No one noticing me and I can't stop from wondering, why am I even here? Why did I let my father and brothers drag me here on this warm August afternoon?

I could have said no, made up an excuse to decline the invitation to show up but I didn't. I made sure I could show up to the engagement party I was invited along with my family and plenty of people, werewolves, I don't know. I have little interest and always have of being surrounded by people when all I want to do is go home and be by myself.

Then again I know I can't possibly sneak out of here without being noticed. Not only that but I showed up with my father as my ride. Walking home isn't an option and I don't think I could be that mean by taking off. It would be rude and disrespectable of me wouldn't it? But what am I suppose to do for the rest of my time when I already said congratulations and I hope you have a happy ending being in love?

Am I suppose to continue to stand around watching others talk and smile like I have for about an hour? Hearing them laugh and be in a good mood as the evening goes by while I'm not enjoying myself.

My idea of fun is not here but to sulk alone like I have been without people around. I prefer being by myself especially right now, this very moment.

Okay maybe I am being rude without knowing and intending to be. I'm being childish and I don't want to be. I need to stop acting like this when this is someone else's event I was invited to. I'm suppose to be happy with everyone else but it's pretty hard to be because of what it involves, love.

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