Chapter 22

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Dont Mind My Last Update Yall 😂 I Was In My Feelings Thanks For The Love Though From Those Who Really ENJOY The Book ❤ Im Not gone stop the book that'll be selfish and unlike others I take peoples feelings into consideration ☺ But I Thought Yall Should Get An Update Because I Felt Bad For Scaring Yall 😂😘 Love The Fans ✊

Buhh On Some Serious Shit Like Fr I Didnt Really Think People Actually Liked The Book So Much ❤ The Comments Really Got To Me Seriously 💯❤

3 Weeks Later


It's been 3 weeks of the same fucking bullshit with Cory. We'll be sitting there than he'll get a phone call and excuse himself and be whispering and shit. It's starting to get real annoying and I'm getting pissed off. We haven't been intimate, we haven't been on any dates, and I'm starting to think he don't love me anymore.

I ask him all the time who he be on the phone with and he replies "Oh just business." Just business my ass.

Right now we were at home getting ready to lay down. I was in the bathroom putting on my fave mask when all of a sudden......

His phone rings. -_-

He ain't answer it and it rung again 5 minutes later.

I huffed, "Is you gone answer your phone or let it ring all night I'm not finna loose sleep over whoever and whatever it is blowing up your phone put it on silent or answer it, since that seems what you been doing a lot lately." I said mumbling the last part.

"What?" He said turning around from the dresser as he was putting his jewelry in the right place.

"You heard me Cory I'm sick and tired of this shit whatever you got going on. Your phone been blowing up like crazy for the past few weeks not to mention you been having to 'run places' like a chicken with its head cut off." I said throwing my hands in the air.

He started laughing, "oh it's funny?" I asked arching an eyebrow. I dare him to say the wrong thing I been in a fighting mood and I'm bout ready to just say fuck it and square up.

"Naw look baby I really just been busy handling stuff, ion mean to be blowing you off or making you mad or anything." He said trying to wrap his arms around me when I smacked them back down.

"Nope, what kind of business?" I ask crossing my arms.

"Really Nycole?" He asked sighing.

"Really Nycole," I said mocking him, "Yes really Cory where you be going? Better be yo trap house or a family members and nowhere else cause I ain't with it right now."

"Baby it's just important business, that you don't need to be worrying your little pretty head about." He said kissing my forehead and walking into the bathroom I mugged him as he walked away before wiping my forehead. Nigga don't kiss me.

"Whatever Nathaniel." I said rolling my eyes and getting into bed. I look ghetto right now with my Betty Boop Pajama Pants A White Tank Top And My Hair In Some Rollers With My Cucumber Face Mask Cream On.

A few minutes later he came out and got in on his side.

"You really called me by my middle name?" He said pulling me closer in a spooning position.

"Goodnight Nathaniel" I said knowing it'll make him irritated.

"Stop calling me that." He said lowly in my ear before biting down on my neck and slapping my ass hard and gripping it.

I squealed. "Bae stop." I said laughing a little as he let his hands rest on my butt while he started kissing down my neck.

"You gone stop calling me by my middle name?" He said before he started licking and kissing on my spot. Lord.

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