Chapter 1

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"Your love is bright as ever (ever, ever, ever)
Even in the shadows (shadows, shadows, shadows)
Baby, kiss me (kiss me, kiss me, kiss me)
Before they turn the lights out (lights out, lights out, lights out)
Your heart is glowing (glowing, glowing, glowing)
And I'm crashing into you (into you, into you, into you)
Baby, kiss me (kiss me, kiss me, kiss me)
Before they turn the lights out (the lights out)
Before they turn the lights out (the lights out)
Baby, love me lights out "

"UGHH Really?" I groaned snatching my Gold IPhone 6 off the dresser.

"Hello?" I said in a croaky voice.

"Ew child, you sound like the walking dead, what's wrong honey bear?" I heard my grandma voice say through the phone.

"Grandma what's wrong is that your calling me at 9 in the freaking morning and I'm tired." I said with my hand under my chin to keep my head up.

"Girl you know what I can't wait until you have this baby because I'm bout ready to........."

I really didn't hear what the rest she was saying because my arm got tired and my eyes started to close back, I guess you can say I was dozing off.

"NYCOLE MONIQUE CHARLESTON!" My grandma yelled making me lift my head up so fast I almost broke my neck.

"Yes nana?" I said trying to sound sweet.

"You ain't heard a word I said have you?" She asked.

"Grandma I'm tiredddd." I said whining cause it's true when your pregnant you tend to sleep a lot unless it's just me.

"Girly come on over and have some breakfast and talk with ya old one." She said. Me and my grandma are real close ever since I was little because she's just so nice and caring I didn't want to be away from her and when I got my own place and stuff we always hung out, until I got pregnant a couple months back it held me up.

"Umm sure, give me about an hour so I can get dressed grams." I said, because I love seeing my grandma I'm going to go over.

"Ok honey bear." She said using my nick name she gave me when I was a child.

"K bye." I said and we ended the call.

I closed my eyes just to rest them when my head jerked back and hit the head board.

"Ouch." I said rubbing my head and getting out the bed.

Walking into my bathroom that's connected to my room I turned on the shower and started brushing my teeth and washing my face while I wait for the water to steam up.

The mirror started fogging up so I guess it was ready, I pressed play on my iPod and listened to Beyoncé 'Schoolin Life' blast out of the speakers.

I stepped out of my clothes and stepped into the running shower, I let the water run on my body to get it wet when my baby started kicking. No shocker there it have been doing that for past 3 months, yea I'm not that far along.

Washing up in my vanilla scented body wash from Bed Bath & Body Works I scrubbed and rinsed for about 5 minutes than I used my face towel to wash the pro active off my face. I let it sit on my face so it can get deep into my pores.

I turned the shower off and got out, I pressed off on the speaker and wrapped the towel around me going to my dresser I pulled out my lace burgundy boy shorts and my lace bra to match.

I moistened my body in Johnsons Nightime Baby Lotion and put on some deodorant. Sliding on my Underwear and bra I walked into my closet to decide on what I should where today and plus I have an appointment with my doctor so....

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