Chapter 35

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The day Jason met Roy. Cause I am in a JayRoy mood. This timeline is so whacked I had to actually draw a timeline so I could wrap my brain around what's going on. Mehhh.

Part 1


[October 2 202X, 23:24 EST]

Jason could remember the day he met Roy like it was yesterday.

It was pouring rain. Jason was soaked to the bone. All he had were stolen clothes that were too big for him and 7 bucks he found in the jean pocket.

He had finally calmed down after his killing spree. He didn't want to hurt anyone but it was like he had no control over his body. Maybe it was a side effect caused by the Lazarus pit.

He had pointed a gun at one of Ra's pilot's and told them to take him to Gotham or else Jason would put a bullet between his eyes. Jason ended up killing the innocent man anyways after they landed.

What if he had a family to come home to?

Jason snapped out of his thoughts and looked down the street to see if there were any places he could seek refuge in. He saw a Seven Eleven and ran to it like it was an oasis.

"Excuse me, miss, I forgot my phone at home, do you mind telling me what time it is?" Jason asked the cashier. She looked at Jason a bit suspiciously but eventually told him it was 11:26 pm. "Thank you."

As Jason was walking out of the convenient store he was thinking of what to do. He could find a bridge to sleep under for the night. It's not like it was his first time being homeless.

"Hey watch it, kid." Jason looked up to apologize to whomever he accidently bumped into then that's when he realised it was Speedy.

"Roy," Jason said making the older boy's eyes widen.

"Sorry, do I know you?"

"Speedy, it's me, Robin. Jason Todd."

"Holy shit. You're supposed to be dead." Roy said in shock.

Even though the original Roy had never gotten the chance to meet Jason before, he knew of his work as Batman's Robin. From the information, the clone gave him the first Robin, Dick Grayson, he got kidnaped 2 years ago on a mission then nearly a year after, another Robin, Jason Todd, had died.

"It's a long story." Jason told him.

Roy looked at the slightly smaller boy. He had bruises and cuts on his face and he looked soaked not to mention he could hear the younger boy's stomach growl like a rabid dog.

Roy didn't know why but he felt the need to help Jason.

"Do you have anywhere to stay tonight?" Roy asked. Jason looked down at his oversized shoes embarrassed.

"Not really." He admitted.

"Well, I have a couch you can crash on. I mean I don't live in a mansion or anything but- ya." Jason's eyes lit up.

"Thank you, Roy."


The drive back to Roy's apartment was quite. Mostly due to the fact that Jason had passed out from exhaustion.

"We're here," Roy announced. Jason continued his slumber. "Jason," Roy said a little louder tapping him on the shoulder. He's out cold Roy realised. "Why can't I be an asshole. I better get on Santa's nice list this year. And I better get a fucking pony."

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